Truth about Dr TODD GRANDE: Misogyny, hypocrisy & Victim Blaming ~ Analysing the Analyser

1 year ago

Welcome to the second installment of the Truth About Todd Grande Series, where I delve further into the complex dynamics surrounding Todd Grande's success. In this video I hope to shed light on the subtle misogyny, hypocrisy, and victim shaming present in Grande's content, uncovering aspects that may have gone unnoticed.

As a self proclaimed experienced analyst, Todd Grande has built a significant online platform, engaging with a broad audience seeking psychological insights. However, beneath the surface, there are instances where his messaging reflects problematic attitudes and behaviors that fuel an environment of cultural privlege and victim-blaming.

Throughout this video, I have a bit of fun - but also examine specific instances of subtle misogyny exhibited by Grande, revealing underlying biases that could perpetuate harmful stereotypes and gender inequality.

Sadly, victim shaming is another troubling aspect present in Grande's analysis, as it systematically undermines the experiences and struggles of individuals who have endured real trauma and discrimination and cultural bias of our INjustice system.

And yes, I have a bit of a jab at Dr Grande along the way - not unlike what he often does with his video subjects.

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