Gun Control Panacea or Poison

1 year ago

This presentation debunks the gun control propaganda which is aimed at replacing our republican form of government with communism. The gun control activists want to eliminate your right to self-defense. These people are totalitarians who believe government should control all aspects of people’s lives. These tyrants want to compel your obedience by eliminating the public’s ability to challenge the government. The Second Amendment to the Constitution is clear that the federal government has no authority to disarm the citizenry. The freedoms enshrined in the Bill of Rights stand as a bulwark against a police state. The freedoms we revere to protect us are at risk of being expunged by those who want to install a dictatorship. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas stated, “The Constitution is not neutral.” “It was designed to take the government off the backs of people.” Gun control is all about increasing the government’s control over the people. It was never about public safety. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. Watch the video and share with others before our freedoms become a thing of the past.

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