UNLOCKING Human Potential: Earths Frequency Language Reveals HIDDEN Abilities

1 year ago

Pythagoras, the renowned philosopher, mathematician, and musician, made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe's interconnectedness.

His theories on the "Music of the Spheres" align with modern scientific discoveries like the Schumann resonance, quantum physics, and field theory.

The SOUND of God, Pythagoras, And ELECTRO-Pollution:

Pythagoras discovered the harmonic structure of music and believed that this ordered structure extended to the fundamental principles of the world. He posited that the harmonious sounds produced by humans echoed a larger harmony in the universe, known as the "Music of the Spheres."

Pythagoras proposed that the entire universe was made up of numbers and vibrations. He developed a mathematical model for understanding vibrational energy and applied it to numbers and letters, laying the foundation for modern numerology.

The Schumann resonance, discovered in 1952 by physicist Winfried Otto Schumann, is a natural frequency that envelops the Earth. It aligns with Pythagoras' belief that everything in the universe can be reduced to numbers and vibrations.

The Schumann resonance refers to the electromagnetic resonant frequencies of the Earth's ionosphere cavity, primarily caused by lightning discharges. It plays a crucial role in maintaining human well-being, as demonstrated by studies showing adverse health effects when exposed to its absence.

The Schumann resonance and Pythagoras' worldview are intertwined. Both emphasize resonance, harmony, and interconnectedness. The Schumann resonance reflects the harmonious interaction between Earth and its electromagnetic environment, while Pythagoras' theories encompass the interconnected web of vibrations and harmonies in the universe.

The link between the Schumann resonance and human well-being suggests its potential impact on our health and the need to restore the harmonious relationship between living beings and the Earth's natural frequency.

The Schumann Resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz surprisingly coincides with that of the ages old Om mantra.The Om mantra is believed to induce an alpha brain state that provides health, balance, and inner peace, and so draws a striking parallel with the Schumann Resonance.

Man-made electromagnetic field radiation has disrupted the harmonious Schumann signal, affecting the immune system and causing anxiety and fatigue. New wireless technologies pose additional risks by interfering with the natural frequencies that living beings respond to.

Some propose using field generators or Schumann devices to replicate the 7.83 Hertz pulse and counteract the adverse effects of disruptive man-made fields.

Pythagoras' visionary ideas align with the discovery of the Schumann resonance, highlighting the interconnectedness of music, vibrations, and the universe.

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