~Stream of Evolution~ golden ring of light

1 year ago

Humanity has been given a focus to understand truth and understand that it goes through an electronic filter that is part of humanity's distortion and corruption. The mind has been confused through the increase in power levels that has not been in harmonic resonance with the increase of consciousness. Your mind is free to receive messages of higher intelligence that will provide you with the insights necessary to achieve higher evolution of your mental/emotional bodies. Once there's alignment in the 3 bodies you may begin to charge your subsequent essence of being.

The truth is always in accordance with reality and there is oneness of meaning and in this application this experience zone of truth is become further defined by what is applied to the perceiver. The perceiver in this emotional process of moving into the center has become overall caught in it's own web of entanglements. There is a knowledge of this entanglement through understanding the law of karma which is the law of action and reaction.

There has been an energy loss through the ego being engaged in a dismantling process where it has become confused without reference points to find it's way back to a stable establishment of being. Without a center point the energy of thought which is the electromagnetic function upon a magnetic source increases in amplitude and the receiving entity becomes unstable and reactive.

Karma is the Law of action and reaction and in the realm of humanity there is friction in this manifestation resulting in the loss of energy and substance due to overwhelming conflict struggle and distortion. The corruption of Prime Energy ultimately results in the destruction of forms as the energy field that is being increased in magnitude is supplied by superconductive engines that functions through the Universe exhibiting themselves as solar phenomena, light bodies and electrically manifested entities.

All these entities share the common prime source of undifferentiated plasma that is produced by the manifestation of polarity as the movement between the poles of opposites vibrate at extreme velocity. It is when the collective of humanity align in single thought production and telepathic entrainment that the fundamentals are restored and realigned to move along the stream of evolution.

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