Inter-Faith Agreement: Sam Harris Sucks!

1 year ago

Catholic @TheCounselofTrent and Protestant @TruthUnites get in heated debates, but they can agree on one thing: @samharrisorg is a clueless dilettante in moral philosophy. #samharris #protestant #catholic #evangelical

@PintsWithAquinas discusses "false dilemmas". #philosophy #atheism

I like @richarddawkins now!

There is no such thing as #infallible pronouncements from the #pope. The @ChurchMilitant are the "Church Dilettante".

The "Moral Landscape" is a misguided book with a pretentious name. #samharris

We should focus more on first-principles thinking, like #elonmusk.

@MattWalsh @MichaelKnowles @PintsWithAquinas Growing up I never thought grown men were unironically Catholics, but now I see it is because it is the most traditional. #catholic #protestant

Even @JordanBPeterson and #elonmusk are fallible.

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