The Barbie Movie Is A Dumpster Fire - MGTOW

1 year ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Tim and he didn't give me a topic with his donation so I took a few hours to watch and review the Barbie Movie. This film comes off as hating men and it takes place in Barbieland and the real world. In Barbieland the men are called Kens and they are a bunch of simps that are constantly trying to get a glimpse of the Barbies. But in the real world the men are a holes and the soyciety resembles a patriarchy. The real world is the way that feminists imagine it. Not the way it actually is. And Barbieland is the way that 1st or 2nd wave feminists might imagine their world. A place that's run by a matriarchy of Barbie women. They are all a bunch of doctors, lawyers, judges and politicians. I suppose that's how most women see men. Useful idiots that they are companions with in their perfect suburban life or strong powerful and controlling men that are patriarchal. The angry bad boy Chad versus the domesticated male simp. There is no room for subtlety or neuance. Which made this movie unbearable for me. Feminists are always talking about how they want equality. For men that usually means equality of opportunity. But far too often for feminists we think it's equality of outcomes. This film shows us that women want complete control and submission over men. Ken and Barbie venture into the real world where Barbie is rollerblading at Venice Beach and suddenly some man gropes her butt from behind. I've never seen anything like that in real life and you can tell the writers are just projecting the world they want where men are bad instead of being good. The men were either evil or weak. I film couldn't depict them as being good or strong. Those qualities these days are considered toxic masculinity. The film is directed by Greta Gerwig, I've never heard of her before and haven't seen any of her movies. I don't mind female directors and one of my favorite films, American Psycho is directed by a feminist. I just think this film relies too heavily on the aesthetic look of Barbie and the built in fan base that comes with it. As well as all the cameos from people like Kake Mckinnon who plays weird barbie. Greta is working on next year's snow white film and that's going to flop pretty hard because they can't even have dwarves but have to have diverse taller special people dwarves as to not offend everyone. As for Barbie the film opens up with a bunch of little girls in a scene that looks like it's an homage of 2001 and space odyssey except instead of apes smashing bones around an monolith. There's a barbie doll in the monolith's place the girls are all smashing their baby dolls to show that they are evolving. So instead of toy dolls to help them nurture the next generation of children they replaced them with a sexy doll that's a representation of what they probably want to see in their own future. I'll discuss more about this Barbie absolute dumpster fire of a film in just a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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