Pandemic N-4 Simulation: Hubei General Hospital

1 year ago

Webb to Beyer: “Tis a Far Better Thing I Do Than I Have Ever Done Before, If You Could Believe That.”

[FOB FREEDOM, July 29, 2023] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Reporting live from the world’s newest banana republic, . . .

These days most intelligence officers making the news are discussing aliens and UFOs, while the Intelligence Community remains divided on the origins, and certainly no other Rangers, tabbed or not, has been at the forefront of this matter, having intervened in a matter involving the Navy SEALs, commencing litigation against DoD, Department of the Army and the Department of Veterans Affairs, and having docketed a half dozen cases for certiorari in less than a year, in what the Progressive Voters Guide has neatly summarized as having been “against the government response to the public health crisis.” Not bad for someone who apparently stole valor, right? And, but not for a major depressive disorder, the litigation hobbyist and pesky independent says he would have done so much more, and, prayerfully, the movie will be so much better.

“This most recent video installment, a comparative analysis, proceeds along the established timeline, from the identification of the first case of Lineage B at the Wuhan Central General Hospital with the sole patient admitted on December 18, 2019, to the elderly couple presenting the first Lineage A case at Hubei General Hospital on what appears to be a key date, December 27, 2019, when suddenly this novel coronavirus that would have only a total of 41 cases, with no fatalities, nor evidence to confirm an infectious virus, began picking up robust momentum. And clearly the reaction of two different leaders at two distinct locations, and, I might add, at different levels of leadership at the two subject facilities, presents a stark contrast, before, suddenly, on this critical date, it is like somebody ordered the Code Red to get the lead out, and get everyone on the same sheet of music for the big putsch. And, as Sun Tsu said, when small, appear large, which we clearly have here,” stated Major Mike Webb.

Perhaps one day the Supreme Court and the MSPB will be able to answer why in the world DIA might want to select Webb as one of only three people to work as a procurement analyst, coincidentally before an unprecedented pandemic.

Note: grandiosity is a classic sign of bipolar disorder, and we don't want to hurt his feelings lest he go to “that place”, so familiar to Arlington Public School Board Member, Latina Cristina Torres-Diaz.

Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim-cherry. A pandemic agent as lucky can be. Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim--achoo. The luck'll rub off when I bump fists with you. Or blow me a kiss, and catch COVID-2.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE!

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