A.E.F. Activities in England, 1918

1 year ago

Reel 1, Adm. Sims, Winston Churchill, and other celebrities arrive at Central Hall, London, July 4. U.S. flags fly over Parliament and from Whitehall to Trafalgar Square. King George V, Adm. Sims, and Gen. Biddle witness a July 4th baseball game. U.S. troops attend a Kensington Palace garden party. Herbert Hoover poses in front of the U.S. Embassy. Gen. Biddle reviews U.S. troops in Winchester. George V decorates U.S. troops at Buckingham Palace. Members of Parliament enter Westminster Abbey. U.S. and Brit. soldiers decorate the Shrine of Hyde Park. Reel 2, wounded soldiers arrive at a Liverpool hospital. 324th Inf. troops arrive at a Liverpool rest camp. Shows camp cooking facilities. U.S. soldiers debark at Liverpool. 316th F.A. troops board a train. Red Cross workers visit patients at a hospital in Dartford. The 77th F.A. debarks at London from the transport Takada. Allied troops embark aboard the British transport Porto at Dundee, Scotland. The battleships New York, Kansas, Kentucky, and Texas lie at anchor in the Firth of Forth. The 342nd Inf. marches onto a Southampton dock. Reel 3, the 342nd Inf. embarks aboard the transport Charles at Southampton. Wounded soldiers arrive at a hospital in Dartford. Samuel Gompers gives cigarettes to U.S. troops and visits his childhood home in London. Sec. of War Baker marches with U.S. troops in Winchester, poses with Gen. Biddle at London's Belgrave Hotel, visits the Winchester Cathedral with Gen. W.F. Martin, and visits patients at a hospital in Romsey. Brit. Gen. Robert Baden Powell speaks to Boy Scouts in London. Sec. of War Baker and Gen. Biddle visit the Dartford hospital. Brit. and U.S. aviators take off from Ford Junction Aerodrome in Sussex in Farman planes. Shows the aerodrome under construction. U.S. soldiers pose on the campuses of King's College, the University of Edinburgh, and Trinity College.

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