A "Visit" with Weapons is A Bad Idea! | DUBBED

1 year ago

In three and a half years, he was supposed to return home. From Ukhta, from prison. Instead, he went to fight in Ukraine, against Ukrainians. He has numerous relatives in Ukraine. His cousins live in Nikopol and Zaporizhzhia, and he plans to meet them. He can't imagine why they shouldn't continue to communicate, since they used to be so well related. A short story of his life and future plans became known to the fighters of the Arei battalion after they captured a Russian named Oleksandr. Moreover, the guys managed to find one of his brothers through social media. Now we are thinking whether to tell him this good news. His brother came, after all!

00:04 What are your names?
00:29 When we were still traveling
01:23 The conductor came
06:11 What articles were you imprisoned under?
08:15 You weren't beaten or beaten?
08:53 Do you have relatives?
09:42 Did you believe that they would be happy to see you?


Source: @AREY_UA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zx6j78RemEY
Date: 2023-07-25
Translation @AREY_UA
Dubbing: @AlmightyAI

This is a verbatim translation/copy of the original video and metadata.

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