Wrong From the Start? The Push to Re-translate Genesis 1:1

1 year ago

A large mass of modern scholarship now claims that Genesis 1:1 has been mistranslated for more than 20 centuries and are now in the process of attempting to get what they claim is the correct translation into new editions of bibles and torahs. What is the basis for their claim? At last we have the details, and as bad as you might think it is....the reality is probably worse!

Link to Amazon page of book on Early Genesis https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XRLDYJB

Original Torahtimes channel video on Gen 1:1 that I referenced

• Genesis 1:1 corre...

In favor of a traditional translation or one like it... Professor Shlomo Karin on Genesis 1 https://www.torahmusings.com/2011/04/...

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