Why Are The Real Muslims So Violent? Quran And Hadith Need To Be Invalidated To Stop The Fighting

1 year ago

00:01:45 https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3047
00:04:30 https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:2658
00:05:45 So Muslims can murder unbelievers and get away with it.
00:07:10 Who is right? Their fake messiah with NO hadiths?
00:08:40 Muhammad would not have said "Sunni".
00:09:15 How should Muslims treat the Jews and the Christians?
00:09:25 His fake made up reply, without giving me any references.
00:09:50 https://sunnah.com/muslim:2167a
00:12:00 https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3134
00:13:05 You can get a load of camels in self defence?
00:14:20 Finally he is talking about Muslims doing some fighting.
00:15:40 When the scholars read the fighting hadiths to their fighters.
00:17:10 He seems to be losing it a bit.
00:18:25 Muhammad taught the real Muslims violence.
00:18:55 The fake Muslims are the ones who do not want to fight.
00:19:40 Muhammad was a fighter and his followers were fighters.
00:20:35 Who can then say that the peaceful Muslims are now the real ones?
00:22:30 Islamabad in England.
00:23:55 It only seems to be a mosque.
00:24:25 This kilafa is also the one who was accused of molesting a woman.
00:25:40 The Sunni's are still going to be using their hadith.
00:26:05 The only way to stop the fighting Muslims is to invalidate the Quran and hadith.
00:27:30 Destroy the validity of Islam and the fighting would then have to stop.
00:29:00 Their messiah died on the toilet again.
00:31:40 How old was their messiah when he died?
00:32:45 So the Sunni fighters are going to give up on the houris?

The fake Muslims have come over to England to enjoy their lives and the benefits that are on offer, with some of them also trying half heartedly to say what a good Muslim they are, but their Islam does not match that of the real Muslims who are in the hadith or the Quran. I was speaking to the resident Ahmadiyya Muslim and he is one of those comfortable ones who has escaped from having to do jihad, by following a pretend messiah who has decided to throw away the efforts of the original fighting Muslims, by starting a sect of Muslims who only have to live comfortably and enjoy their lives. The real Muslims are currently fighting in different parts of the world, but it looks as if most of the Muslims over here have given up on that real Islam and are happy with this fake version that they are living. Of course there are some real Muslims over here who are waiting for something to happen, so that they can show us what they really believe, but they are not going to get any help from the fake ones who are in the majority.

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