Cute baby and Lion 🦁🦁🦁🦁 Animal funny video.short . viral

1 year ago

Cute baby and Lion 🦁🦁🦁🦁 Animal funny video


1 year ago
Baby Sea Lions Play Together On Beach In The Galapagos
ViralWild Wildlifeviral videoscool videosamazing videosamazing animalswild wildlifeocean lifeunreal animalsgalapagos islandGalapagos Islands adventure equator ocean scuba dive close up look at adorable baby sea lion play surf beach animal GoPro



These baby sea lions have a great time playing in the surf while their mothers are out hunting in the ocean. As newborns, they are among the cutest animals on the planet. Small and clumsy, they spend their days on the sand, playing and exploring tide pools. They patiently wait as their mothers go out into the ocean to hunt for octopus, eels, and fish.
Sea lions this size don't dare venture out into the deep water because they would be easy prey for sharks and orcas. Even the larger sea lions must be wary of large predators. Occasionally, the mothers don't return from hunting and the orphaned sea lions almost always perish due to starvation and dehydration.

The sea lion colonies are protected by a dominant male, known as a bull. Few animals will try to take a baby sea lion off the beach when the mother or the bull are present.

These two happy pups are enjoying the warm sun and some playtime. They eagerly wait for the call of their mother as she comes out of the water. She will return with a full belly and a need for some rest. She will find a spot high on the dry sand where she will roll onto her side and sleep while her baby nurses happily. This will continue for 1-2 years before the sea lion babies become old enough to go hunting themselves.

These youngsters have also taken an interest in the GoPro that has been left in the sand. They check it out curiously as they frolic in the sun.

In the Galapagos Islands, sea lions inhabit almost every beach and rocky shore. As tempting as it would be to pet one, there are strict laws about coming close to wildlife. Beaches are patrolled by wildlife officials who keep a watchful eye on those who seem unable to resist the adorable babies. They are given a clear reprimand for approaching the pups. Even brief contact will almost certainly result in the mother abandoning her pup if she smells a human.

Watching these little tykes from a respectful distance is a heart warming and memorable experience.

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