June 26, 2016 ❤️ Jesus explains... Your Prayers work, but this is a Battle against Satan’s World Domination

1 year ago

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Your Prayers work… This is a Battle against Satan’s World Domination

June 26, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Your Prayers work… This is a Battle against Satan’s World Domination

June 26, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord Jesus is guiding and forming us, Heartdwellers. May we receive His wisdom and patience with gratitude and perseverance. Lord, truly what is going on and what do I tell them? I heard His voice immediately…

(Jesus) “Tell them I am waiting. There is a groundswell of conversions going on in this moment as countries are waking up to the agenda of the New World Order. There are pockets of conversions going on that are beginning to swell and take with them those around them. As this is happening, it is not the time for any dramatic change. I have told you, you would have peace that you have done all you could do when the time came. Have you had this peace, Clare?”

(Clare) No Lord, I do not feel it.

(Jesus) “The world is beginning to see that politics without God are more entrapping than politics with God. President Putin has been better to his people than President Obama. He is waking up from communism and embracing the moral standards of the Faith, protecting the concept of family and nurturing the people. Giving the poor opportunities, building bunkers for the population and preventing Sharia law, while Obama is counting on the decimation of the masses without protection from nuclear war, and allowing America’s laws to be changed by Muslims.”

(Clare) Lord, I don’t understand. You have said this was scripted, yet Putin’s spoken agendas are far different than Obama’s. I don’t get it.

(Jesus) “I have told you before, Dear One, President Putin is not a free agent. If he were, things would be different.

“The overthrow of the Elite is the next thing on My agenda. As the peoples of the world wake up to the manipulation, slaughter and total disregard for the lives of the common man; as they wake up, they can and will overthrow this evil force.

“More and more from higher levels are falling out of agreement with the plans to annihilate the populations of the world. More and more in very high levels are beginning to see: what they have planned to end others, will in fact be their own demise. This is the effect of your prayers.

“As we stay on the edge of our seats, interceding, massive movements are beginning to emerge. Those who were with the agenda are turning away and joining others in a counter-movement.”

(Clare) I asked Him… Does this mean the whole world will convert? And He answered wistfully…

(Jesus) “I wish… But there are still plenty with controlling, greedy agendas completely in league with the devil. It will be a battle, a big battle.

“But I am with those who are with Me. Though they be outnumbered, I am on their side, doing things that will give them an advantage over their enemies.

“I am for what is right and good. I am for a people who are fully awake to their sins and know they have opened the door to this oppression by their worldliness. They have only to repent and pay attention to Me and what is really going on.

“Your world has been so consumed with Capitalism and acquisition, they sided with whoever could give them the most ‘bang for their buck’ as the idiom goes. Now they are seeing how counter-productive that actually is playing out to be. In short, they are waking up to their insatiable lust for power and wealth and seeing that what lies before them is a wasteland of their indifference, created by manipulation and greed…’Give me my candy and I’ll vote for you.’

“While secular humanism, which holds to the ideals of Satanism, has won over the minds of leaders in the past, they are now seeing that the opportunity for a possible world dictator is very dangerous.”

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