Meet the Authors: Q&A with Ron and AVA, Hosted by Michael

1 year ago

Tune in with us for an intimate interview of Ron Amit and AVA, authors of The Songs of Remembering, hosted by Michael Garber. Listen to behind-the-scenes stories, learn about their creative process, and submit questions for inspired conversations.

Learn more about the book and order your copy:

Set your calendars for our other opportunities to meet the authors and learn about the book. Please share these offerings and our social media posts to help us reach bestseller status!


7/7 - Blessing Ceremony with Ron, Michael, AVA @ 7 PM PST
7/8 - Ron’s Story/Ava’s Story
7/9 - Kindle Sale Day - Session Recording Release
7/10 - Q&A Video with AVA, Ron, & Michael @ 7 PM PST
7/11 - Ron’s Story/Ava’s Story
7/12 - Michael’s Review @ 11:11 AM PST
7/13 - Closing Ceremony - Ava, Ron, Michael @ 7 PM PST

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AVA, Ron, and Michael's Social Media:
Ron’s Facebook
Michael’s FB:

Learn more about New Earth Ascending:

The Songs of Remembering shares the extraordinary collaboration that emerged after a chance encounter at a silent meditation retreat between a hypnotherapist, Ron Amit, co-founder of Illuminated Quantum Healing, and AVA, an alchemical sound artist and mystic.

They quickly realized their unique opportunity and coordinated auspiciously timed sessions to explore how deeply they could dive into the ocean of consciousness. Utilizing Ron’s regressive hypnosis method (IQH) combined with AVA’s unique ability to access altered states of consciousness, they enhanced AVA’s channeling capacity to retrieve insight for the benefit of all beings.

These potent, channeled transcripts obtained over a five-year period reveal a thrilling and intimate transformational journey. Exploring personal and universal struggles and fears, as we learn to align, listen, and fully live our soul’s calling.


The Reader’s Zone
We invite you to join The Songs of Remembering Reader’s Zone, a unique social network on Source⦿Energy, hosted by Mighty Networks.

The Reader’s Zone is a unique social media experience for engaging with the authors of The Songs of Remembering and other readers.

Membership access includes:
- Exclusive media from the authors Ron & AVA
- Ava’s unique song recordings.
- Unpublished IQH transcript materials.
- Live and pre-recorded video materials from the authors.
- Access to future live Q&A and other unique bonus offerings.
- Membership to the global community Source⦿Energy
- Access to online courses, certifications, & bonus offerings.

Access is free! Donations are greatly appreciated and are tax-deductible.

Check out our other healing and spirituality books:

We have some epic material waiting for you to dive in! Check out Michael Garber’s book The Illumination Codex: Guidance for Ascension to New Earth:

Summer Fundraiser:
We are working hard on making this launch a success! Your donations help us bring our projects into reality so we can make the biggest positive impact we can. Donate here:


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