1 year ago

#ElisaJordana #ip2 #ip2network

@ElisaJordana has people lining up to be Producers and Assistants. Most of them develop a crush and don't like the Friend-Zone. Is she a victim or perpetrator? Please leave a comment and as always, thanks for being a sport Miss Elisa.

Elisa Jordana https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=elisa+jordana
https://www.youtube.com/@robertcollects - Rob
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7xn4-VqwtvIvS-XYfBtibw - Kleenex
https://www.youtube.com/@BarryMezey - Barry
https://www.youtube.com/@JadisMercado - Jadis
https://www.youtube.com/@ToddGoldfinger - Todd
https://www.youtube.com/@BillyJohnOh -Billy John
https://www.youtube.com/@virtuouslaspartannewchapter - Spartan
https://www.youtube.com/@ericriggs6321 - Eric Riggs
https://www.youtube.com/@KermitAndFriendsZone -Kermit and Friends

Kermit and Friends Discord - https://discord.gg/cWBKb95Sb3

Kermit And Friends used to be Sundays comedic spiritual interactive variety show that was hosted by Elisa "Jordana" Schwartz every Sunday at 11am PST in place of her Sunday church service at the local church. The church she was attending refused to baptize her because she wasn't "close enough to God" so she started her own, The Kermitarian Church-a place without judgement.

Want to be a guest? Email ElisaJordana@gmail.com

Become a sponsor of the show for Elisa: https://cash.app/$MuppetLover



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