Rep. Debbie Lesko shared the real story of a constituent who was forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine

1 year ago

7/27/2023 The reality of COVID vaccine disaster: Rep. Debbie Lesko shared the real story of a constituent who was forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine, contracted Guillain-Barre syndrome as a result, lost his job, and had to bear exorbitant medical expenses without any compensation. In response to this, Dr. Kevin Bardosh from the University of Washington pointed out that COVID vaccine injury compensation systems in various countries are broken, and we need to address this bureaucratic inhumanity seriously.
#COVIDvaccine #COVIDvaccinedisaster
7/27/2023 疫苗灾难的真实写照:黛比·莱斯科议员讲述了一为选民被强打新冠疫苗后,患上了吉兰-巴雷综合征,失去工作且需要自行承担极高医药费却得不到赔偿的真实故事。对此,来自华盛顿大学的凯文·巴多什博士指出,各国疫苗伤害赔偿系统已经出了问题,我们要重视这种官僚主义的非人性!
#新冠疫苗 #疫苗灾难

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