1996 Cult: Jon Benet Ramsey, Oliver Stone, LSD Leary, DCI Colby, Menendez

1 year ago

March 17, 1996:
On Saint Patrick's Day, Hollywood operative Oliver Silverstein Stone visited ARMY INTEL CIA operative Timothy Leary at 10106 Sunbrook Drive (just below the Abigail Folger murder site)

March 20, 1996:
Upon the third trial (two previous mistrials) Lyle & Erik Menendez were wrongfully convicted of the CIA murders of their CIA parents: Kitty & Jose. Judge Stanley Weisberg preceding.

April 27, 1996:
Former director of CIA & Phoenix Program, William Colby, age 76, was murdered in his kitchen at Rock Point Maryland. His pristine corpse went missing nine days before it was dumped at the Cul de sac dead end of Rock Point Road on the gravel beach.

May 30, 1996:
West Point ARMY INTEL Timothy Leary, age 75, dies from prostate cancer at the Sharon Tate murder site: 10106 Sunbrook Drive Cul de Sac. Leary's death is 33 days after William Colby.

July 2, 1996:
Life sentence imposed for the Menendez boys. Seven years after the murders.

December 26, 1996:
Jon Benet Ramsey, age 6, is garroted to death in her father's wine cellar. John Ramsy is an Executive Vice President of CIA Lockheed. (Gary Powers & RFK murders)

Superior Court Judge Stanley Weisberg botched these three trials:
The McMartin preschool molestation case.
The Rodney King beating case.
The Menendez murder case.

Mistrials and incorrect verdicts are Judge Weisberg's forte.

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