Jared Rand’s Global Guided Meditation Call ~ 7-24-23 # 2134

1 year ago
What the Ascended Masters Did on Earth ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Blessings. We are Thymus; we are the collective of ascended masters. We are here to teach you and to guide into the ways of spiritual mastery because we know that many of you have reached that level of knowing that you are creators of your reality and you want to know how to create more and to react less. First you must accept that everything in your life as it is right now is your creation and then you must come to the realization that you created whatever you created with your vibration. You must acknowledge and understand that everything that exists as it does in your life is there to get you to pay more attention to your vibration. We are not just talking about getting what you want and getting less or none of what you don’t want. We are talking about your state of being and your way of being in the world. As you get to the point where those things matter to you more than what is happening and what is going to happen you begin to pay more attention to your inner realm and everything that is contained within your inner realm. We advise you to be more curious about what’s going on inside of you than you are about what’s going on outside of you and we also advise you to pay attention to the things that are outside of you in terms of how they affect what’s going on inside of you. A lot of the answers that you seek in your lives can be found by observing your lives. If you pay attention to what brings you joy then you are more likely to move in the direction of what brings you joy. If you recognize that when you focus on something over here


667-770-1452 Code 9135830#
Or For replays: 667-770- 1349 (same code)
Jared’s website: https://weareonelightforall.net/
667-770-1452 Code 9135830#

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#Meditation, #Guided Meditation, #Abundance, #Bliss, #Manifesting, #Prosperity, #Happiness, #Jared Rand, #Young Lightworkers, #Universal White Christ Light, #Green Healing Light, # Purple Transmuting Flame, #Christ Light of Protection, #WeAreOneLightForAll.com, #Celestial Chamber, #Bliss, #Angels, #Ascended Masters, #LOVE, #GRACE, #EASE, #ASCENSION, #GRATITUDE, #Blessings, #New Earth, #Arya, #Gaia, #Galactic’s, #new energies, #Inner Peace, #Compassion

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