Power To Triumph || Nehemiah Promptly Corrected The Evil Practices Around Him || July 28, 2023

1 year ago

Sunny Adeniyi Ministries Presents Power To Triumph - Streamed Live on July 27, 2023

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Word 1
Study Of The Book Of Nehemiah - Rebuilding The Broken Walls & Lives Of The Captivity Returnees By Faith! | Neh. 13:1-10
• Neh. 13:1-3 In this chapter we see clearly that perfection on earth is not fully attainable. In spite of the dedication of the wall with the good things that are present with the people, not everything is good. In this chapter we learn that discipline is necessary to preserve the holiness of the city. Nehemiah exercises personal discipline. That is not possible now. Discipline is the responsibility of the entire local church. The discipline exercised here is more demanding than the rebuilding of the wall. It is about moral aberrations, and inner unfaithfulness. It is a trick of the enemy to let God’s people mingle with those who have no life from God. This takes away the power of the people. Those who do not belong to God’s people, but are nevertheless accepted into them, bring with them a way of thinking and acting that is contrary to God’s will. This has a negative effect on the people of God. This will lead to broader thinking and action against evil is out of the question. Where these elements occur, strong action must be taken against them as it happened here.

Word 2
Study Of The Book Of Nehemiah - Rebuilding The Broken Walls & Lives Of The Captivity Returnees By Faith! | Neh. 13:1-10
• Neh. 13:4-9 Another evil is discovered, this time when Nehemiah is back in Jerusalem. The situations he encounters then lead him to take firm action against the prevailing wrongs of various kinds. By the way, he only acts when the evil is confirmed. His action seems harsh. Nehemiah’s action, however, is not hard; sin is hard and bitter. Nehemiah’s harsh action is like Paul’s harsh action against false brethren, because they undermined the truth of the gospel, and against Peter, because he and Barnabas were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel. The first evil he notices concerns a man who, because of his high position, enjoys prestige among the people. It concerns the high priest Eliashib. Eliashib manages to defile the house of God by giving a room to an enemy of God’s people, the Ammonite Tobiah. He has prepared a large room for the great adversary of God’s work. The room where Tobiah has taken up residence, is a room where everything that is important for the service in the house of God has been stored before. Nehemiah is not the man to bypass evil and pretend not to see it. When he sees what happened, he is not going to kindly ask Eliashib to remove Tobiah from the temple. He becomes angry and takes all of Tobiah’s household goods and throws them out of the temple. This godly anger is necessary to deal with evil practices in God's house. Please do not condone evil. The rooms are defiled by the presence of Tobiah. Therefore, they must first be cleansed before anything that is for the glory of God can be brought back into them.

Word 3
Study Of The Book Of Nehemiah - Rebuilding The Broken Walls & Lives Of The Captivity Returnees By Faith! | Neh. 13:1-10
• Neh. 13:10 Because the Levites were no longer supported, they had returned to their farms to support themselves, neglecting their Temple duties and the spiritual welfare of the people. Spiritual workers deserve their pay, and their support ought to be enough to care for their needs. They shouldn't have to suffer (or leave) because believers don't adequately assess and meet their needs. Please take care of God's people, whenever you are privileged to do so.

Personal Supplication
Father, in the name of Jesus, may I never watch or condone evil in your house and pretend that I did not see it.
1 Cor 5:9-11
Immorality Must Be Judged 9 I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people.
10 Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world.
11 But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with such a person.

Daily Covenant Favor Declaration
I decree in the name of Jesus, from this moment forward, I see myself the way God sees me. I am highly favoured of the Lord. I am crowned with glory and honour. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I am reigning as a king in life through the one man Jesus Christ


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