Prophet Julie Green - Vengeance and Vindication Are Coming - With Notes and Closed Captions

1 year ago

Good morning, everybody! Today is Tuesday, June 27th, 2023, and I will be pre-recording starting here right after this video. I will be taking an unexpected trip out of town this Thursday and Friday. So I want to let you guys know you will be seeing me start pre-recording today. Also, I will be doing another live show today. It will be at 12 o'clock Central Time right here on this channel. I will have a special guest on, so if you would like to join, I will be doing a live show here right on this Rumble Channel and our Facebook Channel at 12 o'clock Central Time.

Next week, Monday and Tuesday of next week, the Julie Green Ministries International office is closed to give the employees a day off. So in order for them to get a day off, I cannot do any videos. You will not see me Monday or Tuesday of next week because of the 4th of July. But I will be back with videos once again next Wednesday and then next Thursday. Next Wednesday and Thursday, and then I'll pre-record because something's going on, and I can't be available on Friday, but I will pre-record for you on Friday of next week. So you will see me all three days next week. I just wanted to let you guys be aware that there will be no video on Monday or Tuesday to give the social media team as well a day off, along with other office staff. Just be aware next week there will be no videos Monday or Tuesday, and I hope you guys enjoy your long and wonderful Fourth of July weekend.

Now I have another prophetic word for you today, and it's called Vengeance and Vindication. This was actually the third prophetic word I heard on that day of June 9th. Okay, there are three prophetic words I heard on that day, and two of them were during our prayer call, and the other one was in that prayer, and in the morning, I had prayer with the Lord, and I got one that morning, which I've already given out to you. So again, this is the third one for the day of June 9th. Let me share my screen here, and I will get that video to you.

"Vengeance is mine," I said, "and I will say again that vengeance is mine. I have seen an evil grow. I have seen wickedness get out of control. I have seen dark and dirty deals behind closed doors. I have seen wicked governments and what they are doing worldwide. I have seen what they've done with your money and with the economy. I've seen what they've done to the innocence of children in multiple different ways. I have seen what they've done with elections. I have seen what they've done with your medicine. I have seen what they've done with your soil. I have seen what they've done in your air. I have seen what they've done in your water. I have seen what they've done, yes, I have.

I'm waiting just for the right time with one move of my hand. That's all it takes, one move of my hand will destroy everything that's before you. Do you remember the breath of my nostrils when it came to the Red Sea? That's all it took because how big I am compared to any enemy that you face. It was a breath of my nostrils that saved my children, and the breath of my nostrils that destroyed every enemy that was against them. Just think what I can do with my hand. Just one... one hand is swiftly moved, your enemies are so arrogantly making more dirty deals, so arrogantly twisting and manipulating laws, going after my people, going after them for things that your enemies are the ones that are actually doing it. You are about to see me and what Justice really looks like. The world is going to know. There is going to be a great shaking, and in that time, they will know that I am against them."

I am tearing down this evil regime, evil empire, fraudulent Administration, the establishment, the Deep state, the globalists in every single one. Some are even begging, begging, my people, to spare their lives. My children, you have no idea how many arrests have actually been made, indictments fulfilled. The courts of Heaven have already passed down verdicts and sentencing. Well, you were unaware, watch this establishment in this country implode in itself. They are about to turn on one another in a way that you never thought would actually happen. They're gonna let more and more and more take the fall, and the ones that will fall, you'll be actually very surprised on who they are. People you thought would never take a fall will fall in front of you, and I'm talking big names, well-known people in your government, actors, actresses, CEOs, presidents of not only governments but presidents of businesses. You are going to see something, and I've been telling you about it, shock and awe, shock and awe, shock and awe. My children watch, watch me move in a way I have never moved before. You think the Exodus was wonderful; this is bigger than that. Those plagues caused so much destruction to Egypt... this is bigger than that! The Red Sea... this is bigger than that! This is world-wide; you will see, and I told you before, governments will fall in a day! You will see people drop dead... that gives me no pleasure in saying that. I have warned; I wanted them to repent, I wanted to forgive, but they refused. I told you an angel of death was coming, and it is, one greater than the original Angel of Death was allowed... how much that one was allowed to move, this one will be allowed to move more because there's more people around the world that were against my people and against the things that I have set in place. How these things take place, no one saw coming; that's why I said just a few minutes ago, to draw closer to me in this time of uncertainty: travel, groceries, businesses, governments, all these things will be affected, your economies, all these things will be affected, great darkness is coming, prepare for it! A great silence is coming, prepare for it, the blackout is coming, prepare for it.

So Lord, how do we prepare for these things? You're telling these things to us, but they seem so frightful.... My children, you prepare by getting closer with me; you prepare by being in my word, you prepare by being in prayer, you prepare with my presence. Remember I multiply, remember I restore, remember I heal, remember who I Am! I save, I deliver! I am doing all of these things that people never thought I would do. I WILL get the world's attention with my moves. Get ready because I am about to move in a Great and Mighty way! that it will rattle this Earth and shake this earth like it's never been shaken! Draw closer to me, and none of this will affect you in a negative way! Glory! Revival! My anointing that I'm pouring out... the same time things are dark darkest in the world, oh no it'll be bright, so bright with my people, my body! Darkness to light, get prepared for that; things are changing, get prepared for that; it's all a good thing, it's all a good thing! Because I am here to set you free! Saith the Lord.

Ok, in that prophetic word again, God talks about His vengeance. You can find that in Hebrews Chapter 10 and verse 30. I know I've given that scripture out many times before, but because of the title of this prophetic word and what He was saying in this prophetic word, it is important for us to go back and read the scripture again. If prophetic words don't align with scripture, you throw them out, and I've always told you, you check this out if you have a prophetic word. If I give you one, and you check it out with the scriptures, you check it out with the Lord and go get into prayer; don't just take my word for it.

Now, it says in Hebrews 10:30, "For we know who said, 'Vengeance is Mine; I will repay,' says the Lord." And again, the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause and the cases of His people. God is a judge over all the Earth; He puts down one and brings up another (Psalm 75:7). God says full Justice rests with Him; He is a God of Justice; He's a God that makes all these things that are wrong, and He makes them right; He settles them once and for all. And also, vindication - so all these things that have been going on where people have been smeared, their names have been run through the mud, and it looks like people are doing the things wrong when they actually are not. God says vengeance is His, and remember He also is saying retroactive restorations. He said in this prophetic word that there are things that evil people are doing, and then they're blaming it on the righteous or blaming it on God's people when the evil ones are actually committing these crimes, and then they're saying somebody else is committing them to get the attention off of them, and that plays out really heavily in our government right now.

Alright, now listen to Exodus Chapter 3 and verse 7, "And the Lord said, 'I have surely seen the affliction of my people who were in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters and their oppressors, for I know their sorrows and sufferings and trials. Verse 8, I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the power of the Egyptians, to bring them out of the land into a land good and large, a land flowing with milk and honey, a land of plenty, a place of the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Amorite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite.' He said, verse 9, 'Now behold, the cry of the Israelites have come to me, I have seen how the Egyptians have oppressed them.'"

Now, look, verse 10, "Come now, therefore, I will send you to Pharaoh, that you may bring forth my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt." And that's when God was talking to Moses, that He was going to send him to Pharaoh in order to deliver His people out of the hand of Pharaoh to Egypt's power. And then God says in verse 12, "God said, 'I will surely be with you; then shall be assigned to the eyes, Joseph I have sent you when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.'" And this was Mount Sinai. And then again in verse 14, it says, "Again God said to Moses, 'I Am who I Am,' and what I Am, I will be what I will be.' And he said, 'You shall say this to the Israelites, 'I Am has sent me to you.'"

Again, God is the Great I Am; He saved a nation in a day; He can do that once again. And vengeance, and I want to read, I was looking up, you guys know I do sometimes the definitions, let's say her code, so punishment, vengeance is punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or a wrong, and/or it's punishment given in return for an injury or an offense. Now again, God has been talking about this a lot with us, that He sees and hears; He sees what's going on, and He hears the cries of His people. And not only does He hear, but He is doing something about it. We are not just sitting here just waiting for the end to come, and everything is just going to go to Hell. God's saying that's not the time; it is not the tribulation time, and it's not the time of wrath. God says His time of judgment and vindication; He's going to judge the enemies for what they have done and then vindicate all those people and all the things that have been wrong to them; He is going to make right; it's going to vindicate them. So He's going to retroactively restore what has been taken.

And also, He talks about in Joel Chapter 2, it talks about restoring the years. And then in Exodus Chapter 3 and verse 19, "And I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless forced to do so." God knows these people were not going to let us go unless forced to do so, and that's what He says and talks about in this prophetic word. He talks about His right hand; He talks about His hand moving; He said about His nostrils being what happened to the children of Israel with the land of Egypt, or I'm sorry, with the Red Sea when He had the breath of His nostrils to part the Red Sea, and that was the safety, that was the exit way or exit strategy for His children.

That was their way out or their way of escape, but at the same time, it was a way out or way of escape for the children of Israel, but it was the ultimate judgment or vindication or vengeance when it comes to the Red Sea coming down on Pharaoh and all of his men. So God, again, He was the way, but He was telling them in verse 19 of Exodus Chapter 3, "Listen, I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless forced to do so." God knows these people were not going to let us go from everything that they've done. He even talks about evil regimes and fraudulent governments because it's not just this one, it's around the world. He says they were not going to do anything about it. They were not gonna let you go, no matter how much they were pushed back, no matter how much truth was being told, they were not going to let you go unless they were forced to do it. They weren't going to do it on their own accord.

So, look what He says in verse 20, "I will stretch out my hand and smite the Egyptians with my wonders, which I will do in it, and after that, they will let you go." So, we saw the works of God's hand with the plagues of Egypt; that was a plague, so you could say judgment. He said it's going to even be greater this time—the ultimate fall of Pharaoh and all of his men were by the nostrils of God's nose; it was nostrils that just breathed down. That's how forceful it was, but also that wasn't even His full power. God is the most high God; He's the creator of Heaven and Earth; no man can stand before Him and win. And so, we have to understand when God says, "I will stretch out my hand and I will smite the Egyptians with all my wonders, and I will do it after that, he will let you go," God said He is going to move His hand again but even in a greater way because it's not just one nation that's doing this; these are things that are going on around the world. He's going to move His hand, and in the scripture in verse 20, He says, "And he will let you go." When God moves His hand, He's talking about His hand in this prophetic word. He says, "They will let you go." What He says, "I'm going to move my hand, let me go back to that." I gotta find out where he says this in this prophetic word.

I might just go back over that when I go back over the prophetic word. I'll go back over the hand moving, okay, and it's exactly for the sake of time because I have to do another video right after this. So He says, "And I will give this my people favor and respect in the sight of the Egyptians, and it shall be that when you go out, you shall not go out empty-handed." We've talked about this before, how God says retroactive restoration. He's restoring the years to His people and everything that's been stolen we've been stolen from, and we didn't realize all the ways that the enemy has stolen from us, so God is saying He's going to restore what has been stolen.

Now I want to give you a couple of other scriptures regarding justice and vengeance, so I'm going again to write these scriptures down and you can study them. Alright now, Psalm 72 and verse 4, "May he judge and defend the poor of the people, deliver the children of the needy, and crush the oppressor." I'm gonna read that again, "May he judge and defend the poor of the people, deliver the children of the needy, and crush the oppressor." That's what God does, remember He saw the oppressors and the taskmasters; He mentioned that in Exodus Chapter 3; I just read that. Now, go to Psalm 103 and verse 6, "The Lord executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed." And then it says in verse 7, "He made known His ways to Moses and His acts to the children of Israel." So again, God says, He says, "The Lord executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed." It wasn't just some; He said, "all who are oppressed." There's been such oppression that's been going on in this world; there's been people holding back justice, holding back truth, holding back, and trying to destroy every freedom.

They've been trying to destroy our health; they've been trying to destroy our soundness of mind. So, in every way possible, these enemies are doing everything they can to keep people enslaved under their control.

Alright, I'm going to read another one, Deuteronomy 32:36. There are two verses I'm going to read in Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy 32:35 and 36. He says, "Vengeance is Mine, and recompense, and the time when their foot shall slide; for the day of their disaster is at hand, and their doom comes speedily. For the Lord will revoke sentence for His people and relent for His servants' sake, when He sees their power is gone, and none remains, whether bound or free."

So again, God says in verse 35, "Vengeance is Mine, and recompense in the time that goes on." I'm going to read another one, Deuteronomy 32:4. "He is the Rock; His work is perfect, for all His ways are law and justice. For all His ways are law and justice, a God of faithfulness without breach or deviation, just and right is He."

So again, it's important to know that God is faithful and that God is, listen, "For all of His ways are law and justice." God is the God of justice. He sees all the injustice that's going on, and God promises to do something about it.

Now, I already read Psalm 75; I didn't read it to you, but I quoted it. Psalm 75:7, "But God is judge; He puts down one and lifts up another." So, He can bring down a government or people, and then He can lift up another one.

So, we saw that with a great example in the Book of Exodus of what happened with the Egyptians first as the children of Israel in the land of Egypt, and how they were enslaved. God restored everything to them, including their sound mind, including their health. And so we have to remind ourselves in this time where it looks dark, He said, "There's a great darkness coming." He says, "There's blackouts coming," He says, "From darkness to light." He says these things; we have to know in this time that God is faithful, that God is a God of justice, that He will bring law and order, that God will not forsake you, He will not let you down, He will not just turn His back and say, "Okay, well, not this time."

And when you know that, no matter what we see, you know that no matter how dark things are, no matter what things appear to be, so uncertain that things appear to be so shaking, and they're just like, what is, you know, people are like, "What is going on? I don't understand," and people will get that way, they won't understand why these certain things are going on because we thought, they'll say, "We thought things were going in the right direction." They are, but in order for it to take down a complete, um, all this global government and take down all these different people, there has to be a great shaking.

Look what happened in Egypt, look at all the plagues, look at all those things that happened that could have just, it looked like the world was falling apart. The Egyptians had no idea what God was doing exactly with the Egyptians and how bad things were. I'm sure it startled them. They were seeing all these things that were happening, but it wasn't happening in Goshen. And that's what God is saying, even though you see all these judgments, even though you see all this vengeance, even though you see all these things, He's saying it's not going to happen to you.

He says that in John 17:13-17, two times Jesus said that they are in this world but they are not of it. You are not subject to the judgments that are going to happen to the enemies of Almighty God. There are judgments coming to the enemies of Almighty God, and He's saying you are not subject to that. You were in this world, but you are not of it.

So, I want to go back over this prophetic word, and then I'll go over when it talks about the hand once again. Alright, so I'm going to read this actually from the top down: "Vengeance is Mine," I said, "I will say again that the vengeance is mine..."

I have seen an evil grow. Remember, He saw it in the land of Egypt, and He's seeing it now. He's not different; He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. I've seen wickedness get out of control. I've seen dark and dirty deals behind closed doors. I've seen wicked governments and what they are doing worldwide. I have seen what they have done with your money, with the economy. I've seen what they've done to the innocence of children in multiple different ways. I've seen what they've done with elections. I've seen what they have done with your medicine. I've seen what they've done with the soil. I've seen what they've done in your air. I've seen what they have done in your water. Yes, I have. I'm waiting for just the right time; with one move of my hand, that's all it takes. One move of my hand will destroy everything that's before you.

Now, really quick, in my spirit, I got this question: why did God not do anything before now? Remember, God has given the Earth to the Children of Men. He's given us the power and authority in the name of Jesus. When the church was asleep, when the body of Christ didn't know, when they were deceived out of their authority and their power, that they were deceived because of men's doctrines and religion and legalism, they didn't realize that they had every opportunity and all the power that they could have stopped these people. We didn't know. People just didn't know the authority of the believer; they didn't know.

So when all these things were going on, there had to be a shaking, a shaking going on. And with a shaking, there's a great restoration. Exactly what happened with the children of Israel when they were enslaved in the land of Egypt; there had to be a shaking in order for them to realize who God was - the Great I Am. And so when there are times where people turn their back on God or take God out of things, which people have done, look at the governments. The church was separated from the state, which should not have been. God should have, but you took that out of government; God's been taken out of some people's churches because it's what man wants you to hear, man's doctrines, it's a way of twisting God's word and not what God and who God really is.

There has been a lack of educating God's people with what the Word actually says. So, in that time, the evil grew worse and grew darker and started taking more control when the control should have been in the hands of the children of God. But remember, God says in Isaiah 4:6, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." So, when you did not know that there was... or this has gone on for how many generations, but if you did not know that you had power and authority and dominion and you didn't take it, then guess what? The enemy takes it. The same thing will happen with Adam and Eve. God keeps talking about that and going back to what happened in the garden. Satan deceived God's children, Adam and Eve, out of what was already theirs.

That's what's been going on again. Satan has deceived God's people out of what was really theirs, and then he took that power and control, he took that dominion when he should not have had, and he was running all the things that he wanted to do. And God is saying, listen, what Satan means for harm, God will turn it into something good. God will restore everything that's been stolen, and God will perfect our faith even in the midst of such craziness that is going on in the world.

There had to be a wake-up call; we had to turn back to God when most people weren't even looking to Him. They only looked at Him when there was a problem. He was their Savior, but He wasn't their Lord. Now, I see what they've done with elections, I've seen what they've done with your medicine, I've seen what they have done with your soil, I've seen what they've done in your air, I've seen what they've done in your water, I've seen what they have done. Yes, I have. I've been waiting for just the right time; with one move of my hand, that's all it takes. One move of my hand will destroy everything that's before you. Do you remember the breath of my nostrils when it came to the Red Sea? That's all it took because of how big I am compared to any enemy that you face. It was a breath of my nostrils that saved my children; the breath of my nostrils that destroyed every enemy that was against them. Listen to that.

The breath of my nostrils destroyed every enemy, everyone that was against them. Just think what I can do with my hand, just one hand and one swift move. Your enemies are so arrogantly making more dirty deals, so arrogantly twisting and manipulating laws, going after my people, going after them for the things that your enemies are the ones that are actually doing it.

Now, when I go back to again, one pan or one swift move of his hand, it's not gonna take a whole bunch. Remember how what happened to the children of Israel, like I read in the Book of Exodus, chapter 3? It was a move of his hand, all the plagues in Egypt to remove the power against God's people, which was a power that was the Egyptians had, the oppressors, the taskmasters, move of his hand, and God's people were released. With a move of God's hand, God's people will be released. But this time, he's doing it Greater because it wasn't just one nation against another; this is a global government against the world, and that's why this hand, in the move of God's hand, will be so great and so mighty that it will get the world's attention.

He says, "Your enemies are so arrogant in making more dirty deals, so arrogantly twisting and manipulating laws, going after my people." Now listen, this is in bold: "Going after them for the things that your enemies are the ones that are actually doing it." You are about to see and what justice really looks like. You're about to see what justice really looks like because, in our time, we have not really seen what justice really truly looks like. The world is going to know; there's going to be a great shaking, and in that time, they will know I am is against them, but the Great I Am, the same great I am that was against Pharaoh and all of his men.

I am tearing down this evil regime, evil empire, fraudulent administrations, the Establishment, the Deep State, the globalness in every single one. Some of you are even begging, begging my people to spare their lives. My children, you have no idea how many arrests have actually been made, indictments fulfilled. That's a huge statement. Ross have already been made, and indictments fulfilled. The courts of Heaven have already passed down verdicts and sentencing while you were unaware. We don't know everything that's going on; things may look one way when they're actually another. That's why some people put a spin on prophetic words, saying this is what was said when it was actually not, and people do that all the time. Things are not how they appear to be. God has been warning us about that.

He says, "Watch this Establishment in this country implode in itself. The Establishment in this country will implode in itself. They're about to turn on one another in a way that you never thought would actually happen. They're going to let more and more take the fall, and the ones that will fall will actually be very surprising on who they are. People you thought would never take a fall because people right now think that all these people that right now that are doing all these crimes and all this has been exposed that nothing's gonna happen to them."

God talked about this a year and a half ago. What you're seeing with Hunter, what you're seeing right now with Biden, what you're seeing right now with the FBI, what you're seeing right now with the CIA, what you're seeing right now with the government in this country and the DOJ, Merrick Garland, all that, God has been speaking about this.

"It's coming to pass; we're seeing it. People have to realize there are things going on that we did not know about. God is the one who gives us the news before the news. These are what prophetic words are, news before the news.

People you thought would never take a fall will fall in front of you, and I'm talking big names, well-known people, people in your governments, actors, actresses, CEOs, presidents. Not only governments but presidents and businesses. You are going to see something, and I'm telling you we're about to see shock and awe. He says it three times, shock and awe, and shock and awe, my children. Watch, watch me move in a way I have never moved before. In a way he's never moved before, so he's in a move even greater than he did in the Book of Exodus. You think the Exodus was wonderful; this is bigger than that. Those plagues caused so much destruction to Egypt until it destroyed Egypt. He says, 'Listen, this is bigger than that, the Red Sea, what happened with the Red Sea.' He said, 'This is bigger than that, this is the world, worldwide.'

You will see, and I told you before, governments will fall in a day. You will see people drop dead, and that gives me no pleasure in saying that. I have warned, and I wanted them to repent. I wanted them to forgive; I want to forgive, excuse me. You can't forgive unless they repent, but they refused. I told you an angel of death was coming, and it is one greater than the original one. The original Angel of Death was allowed, so the angel of death was allowed. He said, 'This is greater again because why there's more people.' He says, 'How much that was one was allowed to move, so the original Angel of Death when it came was allowed to move in a certain way. This one will be allowed to move even in a greater way because there's more people against us. This one will be allowed to move more because there's more people around the world that were against my people and against the things that I have set in place. How these things take place, no one saw coming. No one will see coming exactly how it's going to take place. You, with your wildest imagination, is that still won't be exactly what's going to happen. That's why I said just a few minutes ago to draw closer to me in a time of uncertainty.

Now, that was a prophetic word that I gave out yesterday where it was 'draw closer to God,' and he's saying because this again, this was just a few minutes of each other on this prophetic word that day of that prayer call. Draw closer to me in this time of uncertainty. Travel, groceries, businesses, governments, all the things that will be affected in your economies. All these things will be affected. Great darkness is coming. Prepare for a great silence is coming, prepare for it, the blackout is coming, prepare for it, and it says, 'So Lord, how do we prepare for these things?' People are going to ask, 'How do we prepare for these things?' You're telling these things to us, but it seems so frightful. Again, people will start getting panicked if they don't know a solution.

He says, 'Michael, and you prepare by getting closer with me. You prepare by being in my word. You prepare by being in prayer. You prepare with my presence. Remember, I multiply, remember I restore, remember I heal, remember who I am. I'm a deliverer. I am doing all these things that my people never thought I would do. I will get the world's attention with my moves. Get ready because I'm about to move in a great Mighty way that will rattle this Earth and shape this earth like it's never been shaken. Draw closer to me, and none of these things will affect you in a negative way."

Glory Revival, my anointing that I'm pouring out. At the same time, things are dark, darkness in the world, oh no. Be bright, bright so bright with my people. So he's saying darkness in the world, but it'll be bright with his people, my body. Darkness to light, get prepared for that. Things are changing, get prepared for that. It's all good things. It's all good things because I am here to set you free, saith the Lord.

So again, God is moving. He is going to have the final say. No one's going to outsmart God. No one is bigger than God, and no one can defeat God. So when we know those things and we're focusing on those things, and even the time of darkness or blackout, or times of like things are just going crazy and nothing seems to be normal, you will have your eyes focused on the Lord, praise God.

Well, I want to pray over each and every one of you today just to know that God is in control. Heavenly Father, right now, by the blood of Jesus, I just want to come boldly to your throne because we can because of the sacrifice of what Jesus did for us. We praise and thank you. By the authority of that name, we praise and thank you. Because of that name, we can come boldly to your throne. We can have an audience by the sound of that name. I thank and praise you, Father God, for each and every person that is listening at the sound of my voice.

I thank and praise you, Father God, for lifting them up out of the darkness, lifting them up out of their tragedy, lifting them up from those impossible situations, lifting them up out of that darkness, lifting them up out of that despair, lifting them up out of that frustration, lifting them up out of that sickness and disease and that torment in their body, lifting them up out of torment in their mind, lifting them up, Father God, from every prison cell that the enemy has tried to put them in. I thank you, Father God, that their shackles are coming off. I thank you, Father God, their chains are being destroyed because of what Jesus has done for us.

I thank you, Father God, that you are restoring to them everything that Satan has taken from them. That is being multiplied back to them because when you say when the thief has been caught, he's got to give it back seven times. So I thank you, Father God, for retroactively restoring to them what has been stolen. I thank you, Father God, for giving them back peace of mind, for giving them strength, for giving them joy, your joy, for giving them, Father God, healing in their body, whatever it is, finances, whatever it is with their family, Father God, I thank you that you are The Great I Am, and even in the midst of all these things, you said, no weapon formed against us shall prosper.

So I praise you that that is no weapon formed against them, no matter what the enemy has done, he will not prosper. I thank you, Father God, for getting them up out of that pit, for getting them up out of hard situations, and bringing them to a place like the land of Goshen where we are peaceful, where there is light, where there is no feeble, and we lack nothing.

And I thank you, Father God, for all that you're doing, all you've done, and all you're doing now, even though we can't see it all, we thank you for it. In Jesus' name, amen and amen. I hope to encourage you today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word. We need to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. Don't forget, I'll be back here live again at 12 o'clock, Central Time. God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day!

Keyword list:

Vengeance is Mine, evil, wickedness, dirty deals, wicked governments, worldwide, money, economy, innocence, children, multiple ways, elections, medicine, soil, air, water, destruction, enemy, justice, shaking, tearing down, evil regime, fraudulent administration, establishment, Deep state, globalists, begging, arrests, indictments, verdicts, sentencing, implode, surprised, big names, government, actors, actresses, CEOs, presidents, shock and awe, Exodus, plagues, destruction, Red Sea, worldwide, governments, darkness, uncertainty, travel, groceries, businesses, economies, great darkness, silence, blackout, preparation, word, prayer, presence, multiply, restore, heal, salvation, deliverance, attention, moves, rattle, shake, draw closer, revival, anointing, bright, set free

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