Ice Tyres: Lexus Designs Impressive Wheels Made Out Of Frozen Water

8 years ago

THE  ice car of Batman villain Mr Freeze is no longer fantasy - Lexus have crafted the world’s first set of working wheels and tyres made from frozen water. London’s Hamilton Ice Sculptors took on the world first project, attaching the frozen H2O wheels to a Lexus NX that was stored for nearly a week at -30°C. Each ice tyre took four sculptors and 36 hours to complete, built from laser scanned designs of the car’s original wheels. Acrylic inserts were added to make sure the vehicle did not collapse under its own weight. Engineers also embedded blue lights in the icy wheels to give them a watery glow.
Videographer / Director: Lexus UK
Producer: Tom Gillespie, Nick Johnson
Editor: Kyle Waters

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