Charlie Freak LIVE ~ The Human Ego is a Construct of Man, Not of God...

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Charlie Freak LIVE ~ The Human Ego is a Construct of Man, Not of God...

6:30pm PST, 8:30pm CST, 9:30pm EST, 2:30am UK Time, 3:30am SAST, 11:30am Sydney Australia, 1:30pm Wellington NZ

Colleen, Justin and I will be LIVE tonight with another Amazing Show that focuses upon the Whole Truth about the Human Ego, its Origins, its Powers, its Limitations and therefore, How to Get Rid of it…The Ego is a Human Construct, and is NOT from God; thus, as John F. Kennedy once said, if the Problems we face are inherently Human in Origin, then it means that WE can UNDO these Problems, and that goes for the Ego as well…

Tonight’s show will see us Explain precisely WHEN the Ego first was Manifested Within us, how the Ego Rose in Power, how it Controls us Powerfully from a Hidden Location, and the Steps that we must take to remove its Power within us, eventually causing the Construct of the Ego to recede and then disappear…however, this must be made clear, there is NO Magical Spell or Charm to eliminate the Ego for Eternity; the Potential for the Ego to return will always be there, thus, we Must continue to DO THE WORK to Stay Upon the Strait and Narrow Path to God, in Christ’s Image, or the Ego will continue to return and seize control of us, time and again…

And this is why the BATTLE for our own Minds is entirely Biblical, because it is the SAME story as with Cain and Abel…Cain represents the Fallen, Thinking, Left Brain, constantly in Motion creating endless Plans of Action, that give Rise to Fear and Doubt, allowing the Ego to Manifest itself within us; while Abel represents our Risen Right Brain of Stillness and Silence, where we await INSPIRATION from God, rendering the Construct of the Ego USELESS, and thus, Banished from our Inner Kingdom…

At our most Basic Elemental Core, it all comes down to the Vibrations of Love or Fear…when we Trust in God, and never Fear for anyone or anything, then we Manifest and Maintain the Vibration of Love, which causes Peace of Mind; however, when we are Godless, and possess no Faith in God at all, then we constantly succumb to Worry and Doubt, which lead us to do Selfish and often Violent things in the name of Self-Preservation, where the Self is your Shadow, or Ego…and once we have Chosen Poorly, with Terrible consequences that cannot be Undone, then the EGO kicks in to PROTECT the Shadow Self, by BLAMING OTHERS for the Choices we have made…and the Ego does this to AVOID Guilt and Shame at all Costs, as Guilt and Shame force the EGO to LOOK at itself in the MIRROR, which it simply CANNOT do, or it would Cease to Exist…

Thus, the Human constructed Ego, Hidden within the Conclave of the Left Brain, MUST Blame EVERYTHING that happens to us (Smeagol and Gollum) on SOMEONE ELSE, which is DEFLECTION because it cannot exist within its own REFLECTION…therefore, by Taking Responsibility for our Actions, where we utter Mia Culpa for the Wrong Actions that we take, we are giving the Ego a Death Blow, because the Ego cannot stand the LIGHT of Personal Reflection with the Mirror of the Mind…

So, Take a Deep Breathe, and Join us LIVE tonight and get Ready for a Magical Ride thru the Human Mind…See You Soon!

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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