The Antichurch of Francis: A Punishment

1 year ago


Francis’ status as an impostor has nothing to do with Benedict. Francis is an impostor because he isn’t a Catholic, and he wasn’t a Catholic at the time of his supposed election. As he’s made abundantly clear both before and after his supposed election, he hates actual Catholicism with the white-hot hatred of a thousand burning suns.

Only actual Catholics can become, and remain, actual popes.
Francis has manifestly proven that he hates actual Catholicism.
Thus Francis cannot possibly be an actual pope.

One cannot be the head of a body of which one is not a member.

(Note: baptism is a necessary but insufficient criterion of being an actual Catholic; as Pope Pius XII teaches in Mystici corporis, para. 22, one must ALSO hold the actual Catholic Faith. If there’s one thing Francis has made perfectly clear, it’s that he holds an alien faith, the “faith” of Modernism, described so brilliantly by Pope St. Pius X as “the synthesis of all heresies.”)

It takes absolutely no legal authority to recognize the manifest reality of Francis’ non-papacy, any more than one must be a coroner to recognize a dead body.

Nor is it a question of charity or humility. We have more data about this supposed pope (see, e.g., the Francis page over at the superb Novus Ordo Watch site; or see the Denzinger-Bergoglio site) than about any pope ever. There is no sin in simply recognizing the manifest reality spitting in our faces daily.

Moreover, Francis isn’t simply a “bad father.“ One must first be an actual spiritual father in order to then be a bad father. But Francis isn’t a father at all.

It’s no accident that Francis has renounced the title of Vicar of Christ; for he’s actually the Vicar of Satan.

Finally, since we’re divinely assured that the actual Catholic Church is indefectible, the entity now led by Francis cannot possibly be the actual Catholic Church. This is because this entity has manifestly defected from the actual Catholic Faith. It’s been overcome by hell. Therefore, this Novus Ordo Antichurch, spawned during Vatican II, cannot possibly be the actual Catholic Church.

It’s time to get real; really real. The Great Apostasy is upon us, and it’s been upon us for at least the last 58 years.

Who is Francis? The diabolical ape of St. John the Baptist. He’s the forerunner of the Antichrist (and thus indirectly the Vicar of Satan).

“Where there is no hatred of heresy, there is no holiness.“

-Fr. Faber

“The declared enemies of God and His Church, heretics and schismatics, must be criticized as much as possible, as long as truth is not denied. It is a work of charity to shout: 'Here is the wolf!' when it enters the flock or anywhere else.”

-St. Francis de Sales

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