Basil, Magical Attributes

1 year ago

Basil is sacred to Vishnu, Tulasi and Erzulie, masculine in nature, and associated with the element of fire and the planet Mars.

Basil helps steady the mind, brings happiness, love, peace, and money and protects against insanity.

Use basil in spells to attract love and in preparation for astral projection or to bring luck in physical journeys.

Apparently carrying a leaf in your pocket or wallet will attract money. Placing one in your cash register will attract money there too.

Soak basil in water for three days and then sprinkle the water over the threshold of your place of business to bring in customers and keep away thieves. (Haiti)

Dust the upper half of your body, especially over your heart, with powdered basil to keep your lovers eyes only on you. (S. America)

Keep a bit of basil in each room to protect the home and family. To protect you when leaving the house, rub some basil on your forehead. (Hindu)

Also used in peacemaking spells and to make up after a fight.

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