Introducing a Frequency Overlay to "Knock-Out" the Dark Frequency Manipulations in POP MUSIC

1 year ago

Working Out 'HOW' and 'WHAT' to render the darker hypnotic frequencies buried within the pop music, POWERLESS

I have this awareness pushed at me when I experience what has happened to my grand child. And I sporing into action. This is phase one of a new frequency project:
00.00 The ‘famous’ pop star, my two year old grand-daughter met- on holiday.
This man directs his minions to paint dressing room doors with upside-down crucifixes in blood, -before a gig………
1.00 I explain how sounds have been altered to manipulate human minds: Montauk, Preston Nichols, Mastering, adding sub frequencies.
3.00 The Montauk Chair ( like the Bucegi Mountains chair) developing the ability to add frequencies to music when mastered ( the final stages.)
4.30 makes sure the sounds are balanced across the spectrum- good for radio play and records.
5.30 Preston was adding a dimension of consciousness to the music:
Using Dr Emoto to illustrate the effect of frequency on water- and metaphorically, comparing it to the effect of sub frequencies of inaudible sound on our bodies
7.00 I can hear whether a sound produced by someone is the best, fullest version of this sound- and I can help them find ways to make the sound fuller and more vibrant. This is what was happening with the layers of subliminal messaging, using sub-frequencies.
8.45 All of the big acts of the 1960’s went through Mr Nicols and the Montauk project influence. For the purpose of soul entrapment and soul conditioning in order to satisfy the agenda of the s=dark ones to capture as many souls as possible for them to feed form the soul power loosh.
9.45 Those who controlled the music industry wanted to make a lot of money. People were and are wanting to buy the music but they didn’t know WHY.
10.11 Hand Mudra - simply a way of unifying left and right brain- good for focus.
10.45 The big radio stations owned by these people. Example of Sinead o Connor who just passed.
12.34 What does it mean for you? Everyone who hears it is under the influence.
13.00 During WWII the orchestral tuning note A=440hrz was changed from A=432hrz
14.00 432hrz has a natural resonance with the human body. 440hrz doesn’t .
14.55 Just like the jab was designed to shut down parts of our DNA /spiritual antenna, the music tuning and the interference sub waves were designed to interfere with resource energy flow. These are the layers we are entrapped in.
15.30 My 2 1/4 year old grand-daughter loving Harry Styles: she was introduced to this musician as a happy influence, by her truly loving parents.
16.00 Book commission for Solfeggio tones….I did research and wrote the book Singing Rainbows about using your voice.
17.00 How a person, ( a child) becomes influenced by this music frequency. “silly man, just funny, just a joke..’ NO. This means pedophilia, human sacrifice, adrenochrome.
18.20 Ellie the BRIGHT.- meeting him. And I did some ‘work’ to protect her and to awaken the parents…which has to come for their own free choice.
19 -IN the same week I sent the info on him to the Mama. The dark daring….
19.20 We don’t realise we have had thoughts built FOR us. It’s hard to understand that we have been overlaid and programmed.
20.00 How did this dark entity get into the near proximity of this lovely child- because of free will…. However this felt deliberate.
20.40 Kari arrives and I fill her in.
21.40 Intention to go an d look over the entire planet with Kari: where we can see everything, because something has to be done to the transmission signal ( embedded within POP MUSIC.)
22.15 it’s been put into every big band…
22.39 “the willing lambs to slaughter..’ this is part of that preparation them using the frequencies embedded within the music everyone listens to ( it’s why I cannot listen to 99% of music…) “It’s such a lie!’ Kari
23.00 What do we do? We want to blast open the lie….I want to DO A SIGNAL JAM ( a la “They Live” the movie with the sunglasses exposing the dark entities.
The Earth cod also do something to make this shift happen and the signals embedded in the music could be jammed….and suddenly people hear the ACTUAL message within it….heavy….
24.00 taking about demonics/nafsu….if we could flip that switch, people could finally see the “gunk” creeping ottos the music.
24.45 So horrible the towel go to music for the love but in their most vulnerable states, they are having this “gunk’ thrown at them. Disgusting.
25.00 Kari wondering how she can add her energy to this- not being able to see or feel this, because she hasn’t been aware of it.
25.55 Because we’ve been hypnotised, we aren’t aware: using the Dr Brayan Ardis example with the nicotine receptors and snake venom in the same way with true sound and frequency. Our receptors have been filled with ( held hostage by the sub frequencies introduced through popular music) gunk….so they can no longer recognise true pure human sound and its innate worth and power.
29.00Kari “Why don’t you sing some of your tones….” Zoom cannot pick up any of this kind fo sound, it cuts it out. We search for solutions…
30.00 Describing a different quality of sound main frequency, sub “wrappers’. - the fine information, which ‘cuts’ through things, because the frequencies are lighter and finer they move through space differently. “the Music of the Spheres”….
Sound as the field of influence: (Ptolomy, Plato,Aristotle, Nicola Tesla all knew about the power of sound). Can we programme something which already exists, and knock the frequency ‘off’ by creating a starting point of frequency in the principle of resonance. -replacing and inserting a purer more human-soul-resonant frequency?

30.30 In the same way that HAARP works, or a glass CAN be broken, a substitute frequency can shake off the inappropriate, limiting system of hypnotic frequency (the sound-spell), imposed by this music. Substitute a new cleaner frequency for what has filled our sound receptors.
31 Kari:sing with the intent and imagine what I want to accomplish.

31.32 The 21st century music we are taught to make microphone compatible sound. it has no substance to it. We are used to opera projection with ugly vibrato….and we have had the real sung power hidden.
33.55 Imagining to install the new frequencies into the grid of consciousness we called forth.
34.34 Kari: “And how will we visualise this? I just saw a big sheet of the sound wave, just zipping it in half, just stop, they’re blocked…”
“How do we stop it at the source of it?”
35.00 At the moment it is self-perpetuating, fixed into all of our current structures.

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