1 year ago

WHATS UP LISTENERS!!! On todays episode we first talk about what a police state is and how eerily similar it is to what were witnessing right now from our government and the corrupt club they've created for themselves and any other elites that pass initiation. WE talk about how the oversight hearings that took place today and I play some audio from rep mike Johnson where he talks about the injunction that was passed down by a federal judge on the 4th of July that calls out the Biden administration for their state police tactics of colluding with social media platforms to censor Americans free speech. We also play some audio from Tucker where he reveals in an interview with Russel Brand that the chief of the Capital police said there where tons of undercover informants at the capital that day on January 6th, these are all tactics used by a police state. Also, we talk about where a lot of this stuff is leading and how these elites want to create a society where there's two classes an elite class and a lower government class. Changing gears, we go into Ben & Jerrys telling Americans on Americas birthday that we should give our country back to the indigenous people while Ben & Jerrys ice cream factory is built on indigenous people's land and they get called out by an actual tribe leader. And then lastly i leave you off with a little hope with a Rassmussen poll that shows independents are really starting to se right through all this stuff and we discuss why I think they're starting to take the White pill and see everything for what it is. So as always thank you for tuning in and if you would I would appreciate it if you could share the show with your friends and family so they can learn about the things we talk about on this show because I believe these things are all very important in getting people informed. The algorithm don't push shows like this one so it really helps when you share it. As always GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

Episode link: https://play.headliner.app/episode/15795126?utm_source=youtube

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