Cumtown ICEBERG [Conspiracy pt. 2] (NICK MULLEN & SAM HYDE & BAM MARGERA!) | Duh Heads - Ep. 54

1 year ago

@duhheads @izzyngriffin @pre_l0rd

Let's get something straight off the bat, Adam Friedland made Dasha Nekrasova. Literally. Without Adam there is no Dasha. Adam's family has a long standing connection with the intelligence community. It's been theorized his father works for the CIA but nothing has ever been proven. What we do know is that Adam Friedland is not who he pretends to be. Dasha herself claims it was like she "didn't have a childhood" she literally didn't. she was grown and raised by nefarious elites for the purpose of subverting American leftism in the 2020 election. She first started gaining a Tumblr following while she was still living under the full control of these individuals. On her 25th birthday she was released into the wild streets of NYC and was left to her handler... a man many of you know as Adam Friedland.

Let's talk about Adam. Nick talks about how Narcissistic Adam is all the time, but you never really see it, why? Adam is playing a character. The smartest most threatening people make themselves seem like as small of a threat as possible. Adam Friedland is one of the most cunning snakes you will ever meet. Adam has known ties to the Israeli and American intelligence communities. He trained in Israel with the Mossad for a year. He plays the weak pushover because its the perfect cover for who he truly is, the puppet master pulling the strings.

Adam is what is known as a handler. He handles almost all of the Brooklyn podcasters. What does handle mean? He makes sure that they don't say anything too far out of line, as well as forcing them to do as the intelligence community asks of them. How does he do this? Well, usually he just asks nicely and they listen because he has significant blackmail on all of them. If he really has to he uses concoctions of drugs to make them more amiable to his suggestions. The most notable time Adam put someone on a cocktail was to force the disruption of Cumtown. Adam still controls Stavros to this day, but the intelligence community saw an opportunity to use him in a more visible manner so they ordered the end of Cumtown. To make this seem as organic as possible, and to keep Nick in the fold because he is a valuable asset, Adam fed Nick a cocktail and got him to convince Stavros to quit the podcast. Stavros felt betrayed by Nick because he told him that the podcast was ending to get him to quit, only to turn around and launch TAFS. Stav never wanted the podcast to end, Nick lied to him under the control of Adam.

Adam and Dasha started publicly dating in 2018. This brought Dasha to relevance in the Brooklyn podcasting sphere, allowing her to launch Red Scare with Anna, one of the few uncontrolled people in the space. After Adam and Dasha "broke up" (they still bang to this day) Adam began feeding her a cocktail in order to control her actions and help disrupt the leftist movement leading up to 2020. The whole "dirt bag left" was a psyop to convince liberals that Bernie was too radical, and Adam was the man behind the curtain.

Adam is now building his public profile via 'The Adam Friedland Show', they are going to get some ridiculously high profile guests in the not so distant future, and it definitely isn't because of Adam's charisma! His hopeless lack of charisma is a facade, although that isn't to say he's charismatic enough to be on television. His profile is building for a reason. He has a role to play in the coming events, as do all our favorite characters. But I think everyone should know who's the director and who's the cast. Things are never as they seem. Adam wants you to be a good audience member and follow his direction just like his cast. Don't look where he tells you. Look in the shadows and you'll find the truth.

tldr - Adam Friedland has deep ties to the American and Israeli intelligence communities. He plays a weak pathetic character to conceal his identity as the handler

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