Professor brings Google to its knees

1 year ago

“Frankly Speaking” – today from “Protection Initiative - up date” (“Schutzinitiative aktuell”) – by Gabriele Kuby

Google, Facebook and YouTube abruptly suspended the accounts of Canadian Professor of Psychology and out-spoken Gender-mainstreaming critic Jordan Peterson.
But hundreds of thousands took a stand for the Professor, which prompted Google to re-evaluate the case. It began with criticism on his YouTube channel of a bill intended to make gender-mainstreaming concepts and definitions of gender into human rights and any disagreement with this into “hate speeches” and therefore punishable offenses.
Dr. Peterson explained his reasons in a BBC interview, saying he had been studying totalitarianism for forty years. It always begins with the attempt to control the ideological and linguistic territory.
“Under no circumstances will I use these 'gender terms' that were invented by people who are doing exactly this” he said.
In the media and in social networks outraged protests were launched against the professor.
Trans-gender activists called him a “bigot” and “trans-phobic”. Name-calling makes all political discussions with an adversary labeled: “politically incorrect” dispensable, and in fact clearly signals that this person is no longer tolerable for the community.
Peterson received a written warning from the university not to infringe on the rights of trans-gender people.
Several of his public appearances could only take place under police protection. Professor Peterson did not give way, but continued to accuse the ideological alteration of language and the curtailment of the right to free speech and to point out the ruinous consequences of this for man and culture.
What happened then? The number of followers on his YouTube channel - all those who follow the professor's comments on the online platform - soon rose to 375.000. On his Patreon account (a financial support Internet account) he receives donations of up to 30.000 $ per month!
The media are lining up to book him for TV appearances and interviews.
In a Google search, his name appears 500.000 times. And then it happened: Google suddenly closed the Professor's Google and YouTube accounts – without any further explanation.
But this news spread in the social media like wildfire. Famous talk show hosts shared it with millions of fans.
The case became too critical for Google and soon they reactivated the accounts.
A clear victory! But who guarantees that Google will not strike again tomorrow and simply shut down accounts?
Google, Facebook & Co are using such methods more and more often and they appear to be the new rulers of this world - elected by no-one, but needed by all.
An ideology which denies reality, such as the gender ideology, is likely to turn totalitarian, but reality is stronger than lies.
Whoever fights against it often risks the destruction of his existence. Professor Jordan Peterson spoke up. When he did, he did not know the outcome. He could have also lost his job at the university.
The dynamics of totalitarianism are always the same: Most people shy away from such a risk and clench their fists in secret.
And yet, together we can also contribute to a positive turnaround. Also concerning enforced gender ideology.

from von gk.
Schutzinitiative aktuell, Ausgabe Nr.21/September 2017

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