Driver Makes The Worst U-Turn Witnessed On Camera

8 years ago

When learning to drive, everyone has something they find extremely hard to overcome. Some struggle with driving in reverse, others with parallel parking. Apparently for this guy, it is the U-turn.

How difficult can it be to make a sharp turn and return in the opposite direction? Even if the street is too narrow, you only have to make a few more maneuvers to get out. This dude wasn't too concerned about the consequences of his terrible driving, so when he noticed that he entered the wrong alley, he just made a casual turn to the left and went with it.

It doesn't even look like he rolled the wheel far enough, because that is a decent looking street. There's even a parking space across the house, why not use it? He just rolled to the left and drove straight into the house's wooden fence! Watch where you're going, dude!

The guy who recorded this incident said: "An idiot with no clue on how to drive attempted a u-turn on my street and ended up running into my fence. My brother and I were watching videos and the security system was up so we watched him run into it, then try to take off. He didn't get far."

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