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A nutshell of 500 years Chaos World History
The history of nations and the world – talked about and talked to death in thousands of books – seems to be a highly complicated chaos full of inscrutable events on all levels. KLA.TV founder Ivo Sasek presents here a comprehensive overview reaching back from today to the 15th century – and this in just 30 minutes. Nevertheless he puts this whole multi-complex chaos of peoples into a nutshell – comprehensible for everyone. Chaos World History – in a nutshell! The history of nations and the world - talked about and talked to death in thousands of books – seems to be a highly complicated chaos full of inscrutable events on all levels. I believe, though, that this impression is deceptive and that it is possible to summarize this multi-complex, so far unmanageable chaos in and between nations in just a few minutes for everyone to understand. Yes, that's exactly what I'll try to do now. However, I hope that my brief description of world events will not lose as much quality in its content as the ten-word abridged version of Schiller's Glocke does. The original of that master poem counts 2,092 words, after all. Never heard of it? All right, let's listen to these ten words first before I say: Here comes the turbo-overview of world events in just 30 minutes. Schiller‘s „Glocke“ in ten words: »Hole in earth, bronze in, bell done, ding, ding, ding« That' s how fast it can go. But here's the basis: world politics revolves around the same focal points and problems that every human being has known from an early age - in himself, in his family, indeed, in all his fellow human beings. And this is the situation: Without exception, every human being has an ego, IS an ego, which rightly desires to get its share – the one more, the other less. The weaker or more selfless a person is, the more greedy egoists unfortunately tend to override him, to exploit him, to subjugate him. Of course, only wicked people do such things. But if now in return the weaker ones only get upset about these wicked ones, merely insult them, curse at them, accuse them or lash out against them in helpless, ineffective rage, they are not any better in the end. Yes, the majority of those who have been overruled even unintentionally turn themselves into powerful accomplices of the bad guys by silently resigning in the face of them – by fearfully avoiding any co-responsibility, in other words, by simply passively submitting to the bad guys. Just think of the silent majority during the "Corona-Plandemic". All this is also evil. But this is how it tends to play out, starting in the family home, how it plays out in the schoolyard, later in business, in politics – just about everywhere. The strong tend to dominate the weak – but the weak would also like to have a say, but can't get the knack of how to do it legally. Even before they can cool-headedly approach ordering authorities, they blow their fuses. In one way or another, they themselves fall prey to evil, first and foremost through mindless reactions, destructive behaviors – for example, through mere idle talk at the regulars' table, heartless lawsuits, a tendency to absorb and disseminate the first misinformation that comes along, unstrategic actions that serve more to distract than to network, and so on. As long as the strong egos, of their own accord, do not show selfless consideration for the weak egos, so that both sides are completely satisfied, discord, division, power struggle and quarrels will prevail. The more dissatisfied the egos are, be it because of the shortcoming of the one or because of the gluttonous egoism of the other, the more the desire "to be in charge" grows in every ego. In world politics this desire shows itself in election campaigns, in demonstrations, in coup attempts, government overthrows, even up to cold or hot wars. Since even the most important forces of law and order have long since ceased to offer protection against what is clearly evil, the fuses have blown everywhere, throughout the world. For a long time now, nothing can be clearly split into "good and evil" because, at the bottom of it all, everything has become evil. No more: here good, there evil! To put it in a nutshell, there is no government under the heavens any more, that is simply "completely" good and selfless. For this reason, not a single one of them can be considered as a bearer of hope and salvation for us. They have all been corrupted in one way or another and penetrated by "evil". This happened because all of them consistently put their own interests above those of humanity as a whole – regardless of declared commitment to humanity. We conclude up to this point: These agonizing, permanent tensions between all egos have long since ensured that everyone, from the smallest to the largest, wants to “be in charge himself". Microscopically seen, every human being wants to be a little pope, a little president, his own boss in the deepest depths of his heart – yes, in short he wants to be a little "world ruler". Let's bring it straight to the point with regard to the development of the world: Precisely for this reason, in the end, no one can point the finger at others, because from the innermost essence, all people are the same. From infancy on, every ego only feels properly treated and free when it at the same time itself has the final say. Seen under the magnifying glass, we are all quite self-important, yes, quasi "small would-be world rulers". That is what every political party or movement, no matter how small, every religion, ideology or philosophy wants – despite hypocritical alliances of all kinds. Also every church wants this, also every sect, environmental movement, you name it. Viewed microscopically, everyone thinks exactly the same way, otherwise we wouldn't have to separate from each other in the first place and constantly work towards the goal that all the world leans towards their particular idea, ideology, party, religion or whatever – despite humble self-representation. The only thing that makes the difference between all the contenders for "the big say" is the power factor. Whether you are a Jew, a Christian, a Muslim or a Buddhist, left-, right- or center-oriented, whether thinking nationally, internationally or globally – Everyone is working on the rise of his own power and would, without exception, immediately grab hold of it, if only he could. The existing orders of power thus have originated only from the most cunning power strategies, whether applied openly or covertly. And with this basic knowledge we now take a closer look at world politics with its past, present and future power struggles. The conclusion up to here: Not 1 nation or government is to be trusted as a whole! Whether American, Russian or Chinese, whether EU, Israel, Iran or Saudi etc. – every power under this sky would like to reshape the rest of the world into its own image. The UK wants that too, that is the reason for the Brexit. The bottom line under all this is what I call simply: "striving for world domination" – except that some governments go about this shaping of the rest of the world to suit themselves a bit more blatantly, such as the U.S. administration, while others go about it a bit more covertly and cunningly. So, there can be no peacemaker among politicians or rulers as long as they all still consistently put their own interests above those of the whole - regardless of the constant talk of democracy. Let us move on now to the question of which ego construct is currently farthest ahead – and here is the answer: Already in the middle of the 15th century a small group of very rich would-be world rulers secretly broke away from any national thinking and any national politics, especially those under dictatorial leadership. This move was motivated by the tiring experience that in the end every nation only cares for its own interests – thus no world domination can be achieved by fair politics. Out of the underground, this group first organized the American Revolution, in which exactly 13 American colonies (13!) broke away from the British Empire, i.e. from the British world domination. In 1780, just 7 years after this American Revolution, the same group of super-rich people founded an extended secret society to expand their power over the whole world. Now that was 242 years ago. This secret society was dedicated to the goal of infiltrating, undermining and dominating all national governments of this earth, as well as all mass media, educational and legal systems, also all essential health, scientific or religious systems, etc. – of course, all this was done in secrecy. In 1789, only 8 years after this extended secret society was founded and 16 years after its American Revolution, the same group succeeded in stirring up the French Revolution. This time the French people went to the barricades for them and ended the rule of King Louis the 16th. The revolution then spread like a wildfire all over Europe. In 1917, however, the very same secret societies also staged the Russian Revolution. They overthrew the Russian Czar through the Russian proletariat, i.e. the working people, which they had incited. During these revolutions, however, this highly elitist secret society split up into several secret sects rivaling each other. This background information, however, would go beyond the scope of this talk. Only one thing must be clear: Despite the most blatant splits and internal enmities, including religious ones, these meanwhile very different secret societies still work together like 1 octopus – although only tactically forced to do so – because the lust for world domination is still common to all of them. But, in order to illustrate their remaining rivalry, here a brief description of just two such splits. Since its self-staged 9/11 attack, the U.S. administration, has been trying to grab the world domination pie all by itself. It currently encompasses America, Europe and part of the Middle East with its tentacles. Another division of the octopus wraps its tentacles around Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, etc., also called the BRICS states. But, as I said, there are some other dramatic divisions, of religious nature as well, although this secret society octopus is still forced to stick together outwardly. They are working on their reunification, but constantly fail due to their super-egos. The core, the head of this octopus-like secret society with all its tentacles – its strangling arms – however, was and still today, is the very same circle of super-rich Satan worshipers. They succeeded in forming whole networks of secret societies – a swamp of billionaires, trillionaires with their financial institutions, industries, various branches of organized crime, secret services, religious leaders, scientists, agents of all kinds etc.. And these are now really wrapping their octopus arms around every area of peoples' lives. The Corona-Plandemic has made this all too clear to us: from education to ideology, from culture to health care. They entwine mass media and politics as well as leading sciences or technical developments. Artificial Intelligence(AI) – to name one of them. Legislation and jurisdictions are also controlled by its tentacles. In short, this gigantic octopus dominates the entire global economy. For these high finance secret societies have always backed the horse of total control over the entire global money flow, i.e. financial complex as the main strategy for subjugating all nations. They have been pursuing this main strategy, which is still in effect today, since the middle of the 15th century. The explosive power of their applied trick lies in the interest and compound interest policy. Meanwhile, they have brought almost all nations of this earth into total dependency on themselves through this trick, astonishingly also the quite large ones, like China, Russia etc.. This fraud tactic flourishes particularly strongly in combination with arranged crises, catastrophes, terror attacks, underhandedly fomented wars etc.. In the case of the latter, they sell their weapons to all the war parties that had previously been strategically incited to war against one another – on credit, of course. That is why the dependence of all nations grew most of all due to their exclusively interest-bearing money lending, especially for the reconstruction of the destroyed countries, etc. By instigating the first two world wars, which were extremely lucrative for them, they finally gained total control over almost all nations - and that, I repeat, by means of deliberately enforced, enormous national debts. Whoever wanted to free himself from the dependence of this high finance secret society was terrorized, destabilized, overthrown or involved in bloody wars without further ado. Some of them are shown here, just as a reminder: 1979 Afghanistan 1980 El Salvador 1986 Haiti 1987 Lebanon 1990 2nd Gulf War 1991 1st Iraq-War 1992 Somalia 1995 Bosnia 1999 Kosovo 2001 Afghanistan 2003 2nd Iraq-War 2011 Libya 2013 Syria 2014 + 2022 Ukraine Let‘s briefly repeat the major ruse of those super egos by which they have long since subjugated all nations and made all governments compliant: They achieved this by making all countries dependent on their interest money in every conceivable way, with preference by irreparable national debts. In this way, more and more state assets, i.e. the people’s assets, flow directly into the possession of these global high-finance secret allies. Nearly all state leaders have become susceptible to blackmail, corruptible by „their“ state debts, including Russian, Chinese, Saudi Arabian etc.. And here we come to the crucial point: For it was one and the same satanic high finance secret society that long ago also created the aggressive part of communism and socialism. But, why that, you will ask now. Isn’t communism the most bitter enemy of capitalism? But this is exactly where the biggest mistake lies – this is the blind spot par excellence. The global high finance dominating all countries fears only 1 potential rival and that is the middle class, i.e. the "middle class capitalists". If many of this kind in a country become millionaires or even billionaires etc., then they’ll accumulate for themselves also large amounts of power. And the high finance secret alliance fears just this, exactly like the devil fears holy water. A rich state, interspersed with middle-class capitalists, could potentially – overnight – reduce the strategically caused national debts, - which were pushed for the purpose of taking over power. What this high finance secret society is really interested in is only the power - the establishment of their rule over all nations - that is, their world domination. Remember one thing above all others: the high finance elite are by no means primarily interested in getting the rest of all the money in this world, this already belongs to them. They want ultimate power and they want a docile, possession less, i.e. compliant people under them, made up of defenseless slaves. Exactly as their little WEF puppet Klaus Schwab has already announced to the world population: The individual, i.e. the people, shall soon own nothing and be completely satisfied with it. With the establishment of the communist, i.e. high-finance world state, the individual shall no longer have any power nor any right to have a say – nor any other rights. The total expropriation of every citizen of earth for the settlement of the omnipresent national debts is to vouch for it. So you see, not money, but power is the last goal of this world domination sect. They have always been using their gigantic private capital to strategically achieve their ultimate vision of world domination. For no other reason they have always sent their agents among the working class, i.e. the proletarians, in order to bring them into position against capitalism. With every possible persuasion they still make people believe what happiness beckons them as soon as these "capitalist pigs" can no longer exploit them. With this propaganda, of course, they have never incited the proletariat against themselves, but, as said, against middle-class capitalism. That’s why every bona fide communist is sawing off the branch on which he is sitting. But this satanic secret society also accelerates the decline of middle class capitalism by arranged crises of all kinds, for example by dramatically pretended climatic catastrophes, epidemics, pandemics, oil crises – but also by real conjured up refugee streams and the like. Especially the Corona-Plandemic - staged by them – shows us very clearly how they force the world’s entire middle class with brute force in the direction of total indebtedness. But ultimately indebted to whom? Naturally to this omnipresent high finance secret society, for in its hands lies all capital, as already mentioned. This private club has also long since surreptitiously obtained the power to draw unlimited amounts of this interest money out of sheer nothing. And all this is superior to any legitimate state power. In other words, today's global digital financial complex has long since created the perfect partner for itself with its aggressive part of communism. And this partner is utilized to ruin the middle class, the ruins of which are all immediately pocketed, while they let their partner, who has been incited to extremism, go on screaming incessantly for the total nationalization of all things. But this partner is completely blind for the fact that that high finance sect meanwhile has bought up all states and thereby has already chosen itself as hidden state power. That is one reason one calls this satanic construct, among other things, "deep state", because they – quasi as hidden state – seized our governments undercover. Still very many gullible politicians do not yet understand this covert game. Please enlighten them about it! Because the fight for the final take-over of power is moving straight into the last round. All reluctant countries that still insist on having a say and democracy are vilified via the mass media controlled by these secret societies, they are stigmatized as right-wing extremist and evil, as anti-Semitic and now increasingly also national socialist and anti-government. With the recent announcement by China and Saudi Arabia that they would now undock from the petrodollar and conduct all oil trade only via Chinese renminbi or yuan, the China-Russia oriented part of this octopus gave the signal, that it strives to take over in communist form, the world domination. The recently built ghost cities in China, for the purpose of own world administration, are a clear sign of this. Nothing less than the inner conflict of the octopus is reflected here, as it fights against its renegade tentacles of the US administration. The latter, as already mentioned, has become independent by the 9/11 terror attack, because it desires the world domination in analogous ego manner for itself alone. But something else is reflected in this scenario: namely, the chance for the peoples that the octopus itself tears itself apart mutually, as greedy pirates have done again and again after raids for booty, or as a harpooned moray eel does, for example, when it knots itself together and bites relentlessly into its own tail. If anyone can pray, let him pray that all the synapses of this octopus head eliminate each other. If somebody thinks here: "What! Nobody would do that!", I say: strictly speaking every human being knows in the bottom of the heart how often one does things, one doesn’t want to do at all and other things, that one wants, one does not do. That would be of the greatest benefit to the entire world if they eliminated themselves. In closing: a solution approach Mankind is so much in the stranglehold of this power hungry, super-ego octopus that it seems like only an almighty God can single-handedly free it. But this will never happen - at least not without the cooperation of all of us. Ensnared humanity becomes itself quasi the omnipotence of God for this octopus though, from exactly that point, where it finally stands up to attack this octopus – even every one of its tentacles – united and completely fearlessly. „But how?!“, we ask with shaking knees? It's simple: we have the octopus firmly on the hook from that moment on, when we jointly reveal its real existence and drag it sufficiently into the light. It will lose its power from that point on, when the deceived world community recognizes its true form and deceptive working. It will be like in The Wizard of Oz: As soon as it comes to the light how small and powerless this octopus truly is, yes, that its head basically consists of only a manageable number of secret circles, secret lodges and Satanists, then the end of its raging has been initiated. Especially as soon as it becomes clear enough that the power of the octopus ultimately consists only of our panic and fear of it. Like the Wizard of Oz, it has only inflated itself, so to speak, like a gigantic shadow monster. Like this it put the whole world into a state of shock before it. But if the world community does the same as KLA.TV and the independent, investigative educators and helps to bring even more complete light into the tactical darkness, then the whole bluff will be called. First and foremost, when it comes to completely revealing where the tentacles of this octopus have attached themselves all over to our systems and to the people we trust in. Do not stop with the exposure, until even every child recognizes the deep entanglements between those people whom we rely on and this octopus. If you want to overcome an octopus, the fight with it becomes only more violent, if you only deal with a single one of its tentacles. Immediately, it will wrap its remaining tentacles around its attacker strangling and biting. That's why you need to attack the whole octopus! In contrast to this, if it is caught by the head, all its tentacles will go down with it. That’s why it‘s absolutely necessary that we all uncover the the head I named in this address, together - down to the last synapse. In short: as soon as these conspiratory circles together with their networks are sufficiently in the light of the public - and the united people finally rises in its power as sovereign - the octopus together with all its tentacles will become powerless. So together with the conspirators, communism, for example, which was instrumentalized by them and therefore falsified becomes powerless. If we were to merely try to deal with their individual tentacles e.g., bastardized communism, even if communism was all eliminated overnight, the octopus itself would remain alive and continue its terror, unhindered. With the head of the octopus, however, all religions and ideologies instrumentalized by it also will fall, all mass media and compromised police networks, all educational and scientific branches, etc.. With the head of this world-domination-octopus, in particular, also all military institutions infiltrated by it will fall, as well as all health care systems, educational systems entangled with it, etc.. Especially Big-Pharma with their plandemics and many other soul traders who make trillions of profits out of crises fueled by the octopus. Most urgently, then, the octopus along with all its crisis profiteers must be punished by the light of publicity, for they have capitalized inconceivably on their previously fomented wars, on their fabricated climate catastrophes, epidemics and the like. May all those who sincerely strive for protection, healing, etc., be able to profit financially from their efforts in the future. But, all those who sell us any expensive securities and salvation offers, while they are underhandedly intertwined with dealers of weapons, medicines, drugs or healing technologies of any kind, these must have an absolute crisis profit ban imposed on them decided by the people. One last thing: Whoever thinks that, on the basis of my explanations, any form of claim to world domination is at the outset from the devil, is mistaken. I would argue that this humanity can only be led to lasting peace and harmony through world domination. Overall leadership is needed. However, this world domination navigation must not be dominated by a human organization, nor by a human being at all. Because wherever human beings rule, destructive dictatorship rules, even if it disguises itself as philanthropic democracy and the like. But how can humankind function under world domination when this cannot be in the hands of a single human being? Quite simply: Let us look at the animal world with its abilities. The swarm intelligence of all swarm animals shows us how it works. They have neither churches nor cathedrals, they know no universities, no libraries or board of directors – and yet each individual knows exactly what it has to do, when, and how. Yes, where, what exactly, and how much it has to bring itself into the collectivity. Mankind has always lived like the animal world, in the midst of completely natural navigation fields, navigation forces and navigation abilities. But it does not see the forest for the trees. We have not yet come to terms with our own reflections. We are circling around ourselves, therefore, as a rule, we pass over the countless impulses of our nature – or God-given inner and outer navigation system. Because we have not even been aware of our predispositions for a long time, we no longer function properly. However, it would be going too far to go into this whole problem here. Whoever wants to know more about this, is welcome to inform himself about it on the web pages of or By the way, you can see how much the octopus fears people living together exactly like this, by the way their mass media has persecuted us for decades. Because we have been living already for many years with thousands of people in these perfect navigation fields - and they function in absolutely divine precision, if we only keep faithfully to their omnipresent, unmistakable frequencies – namely of deeply connecting peace with each other. We will gladly show you how to do this - free of charge, of course. I‘m Ivo Sasek, who has been standing before God for 45 years.
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