Abortion – A Perfidious Plan and a Million Dollar Business

1 year ago

According to the Agenda 21, the US government pays $435 million a year to Planned Parenthood and to the UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund. This money is used to promote abortions and sterilizations worldwide in order to reduce the population. How brutally this is enforced is shown by shocking investigations: Mexico's Human Rights Commission NHRC denounces that the UNFPA supports forced sterilizations and various coercive measures. Case studies of victims report about covert abortions, secret use of contraceptives or involuntary signing of declarations of consent for a sterilization. Different, but no less perfidious, is the case in Peru, China and India, where luxury goods are offered for voluntary sterilization. A long-term effective sterilization capsule, which is implanted as a microchip, is also being tested. It was developed by the “Charity Foundation” of the billionaire Bill Gates. Because of these fraudulent efforts to reduce the population, various US human rights groups already demand to withdraw the funds from the UNFPA. As if that weren’t enough, the American organization Planned Parenthood, by the way, mother organization of pro familia Deutschland, operates an additional million-dollar business with aborted babies. In the context of this business, the organs of live fetuses are sold to medical research institutes. Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the Vice President of Planned Parenthood, reports in a video about the daily evisceration of aborted, but still living babies at prices from 30 to 100 Dollar per organ. Their subsidiaries would also “be eager” to offer such organs. The fact that 327.653 babies were aborted through Planned Parenthood alone in 2014 shows just how worthwhile this is. In a broadcast of the U.S. news channel Fox News John Boehner, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, called on the then President Obama “to condemn and stop these terrible deeds”. For "nothing is as precious as life, especially the life of an unborn child". Nevertheless, this million Dollar business continues unhindered until today.

from ab.rl.be.
Buch von Frank Hills: „Der Bericht von IRON MOUNTAIN: Geheimplan zu Bevölkerungskontrolle“ | www.pravda-tv.com/2016/02/bill-gates-impfen-ist-die-beste-art-der-bevoelkerungsreduktion-video
| www.katholisch.de/aktuelles/aktuelle-artikel/abtreibungsgegner-angeklagt

Artikel von LifeSiteNews, Meldung von Fox News, Originalvideo unter www.youtube.com/


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