Adrenochrome: Human blood as an intoxicating and rejuvenating agent

1 year ago

Kla.TV reported about the personal video of the successful singer Xavier Naidoo from April 2nd 2020.
In tears, Xavier Naidoo says:
“Adrenochrome ... click on - go to adrenochrome ... pictures ...If you can bear this ...”
What is this about adrenochrome? Kla.TV is now looking more deeply into this question. We’ve uncovered frightening correlations that reach deep into Hollywood and the music industry.
It is a recognized scientific fact that adrenochrome is formed in the human body as a by-product of adrenaline.
Adrenaline is released by the body when a person is under stress or in severe pain, shock or fear. It is nature’s life-preserving special program for extreme situations.
In the 1940s, studies by A. Hoffer and H. Osmond proved the hallucinogenic effect of adrenochrome – which is similar to the drug LSD.

The term adrenochrome first came into focus on a bigger scale, in 2017 - through the statements of the former high-ranking CIA intelligence officer, Robert David Steele.
He used this expression in connection with ritual child abuse. One speaks of ritual abuse when victims – usually children – are sexually abused, tortured or sacrificed in the course of satanic worship ceremonies.

Robert David Steele spoke in an interview about the fact that children are tortured at such ceremonies in order to achieve exactly this effect: a high level of adrenaline in the blood.
According to Steele, it is practice in Satanic circles to drink this adrenochrome-enriched blood - to get high on it.
Robert David Steele also says in several interviews that adrenochrome is considered a rejuvenating agent in wealthier circles:
“It turns out that drinking children's blood is an anti-aging device. This is just really sick and disgusting. But it's a fact – it's a chemical fact.
And if you drink adrenalized children's blood, which is to say you terrorize the child, not just with sodomy, but with torture and other satanic ritual things. If you adrenalize the child's blood before you kill them and drink their blood, this is a double effect of the anti-aging device.”

In recent weeks, besides Xavier Naidoo, also the American heavyweight boxer David Rodriguez spoke out on this topic:
“You understand that there are children's sacrifices – where people actually drink adrenochrome. Where they terrify the child so much. And this is hard to swallow. This is hard to even grasp. It's an actual ancient ritual to terrify - mainly children because they are more pure -. […] Terrify them to the point where they cannot … where they are so scared and they are pumping out so much adrenaline, and they are so terrified and then you finally kill them and you drink their blood […] It's a sick, sick, sick ritual ceremony and now they bottle up and sell it in vials. And people buy this shit. It's a drug. […] I know people in this business that are confirming to me what I know.”
ab Min. 3:26 bis Min 4:42
While the ritual cult of sacrificing happens in secret, it is becoming more and more obvious that film producers have long since quite obviously built this into their films.

In the 1998 movie ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’, starring Johnny Depp in the main roll, adrenochrome is even openly named and used!
The intoxicating and stimulating effect is also shown in the movie. And very obviously the same characteristic symptoms appear as with this woman....

The fact that with adrenochrome we are dealing with hardcore Satanism and ritual child murder and not with a conventional chemically produced substance is also frankly said in the movie ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’:
“Where did you get this? What kind of monster clients have you taken on this time?”
“Satanism devotees.”
In another film sequence you can hear a man in the background speaking into the telephone:
"She was... about 16 years old. They chopped her goddamn head off right there in the parking lot... and made all kinds of holes in her and sucked out the blood...”

But this movie gives us more clues. Further along, the song “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane is played. This is no coincidence either! Here are a few lines from the song White Rabbit:
“And if you go chasing rabbits […] Call Alice when she was just small. […] When the men on the chessboard
Get up and tell you where to go. […]
Go ask Alice, I think she'll know.”
The song ’White Rabbit‘ unmistakably means the story of Alice in Wonderland. Well known in this story is the scene when Alice follows a white rabbit into his den and enters a magical realm.
How is this related to adrenochrome?
The structural formula of adrenochrome looks like this. If you rotate the picture by 90°, it takes on the shape of a white rabbit. This symbolism of the white rabbit is used by insider circles as a marker and means something like “I know about it” or “I am part of it”.
A symbolism similar to the horned hand sign or the obelisks, which are quite obviously incorporated into crucial places and buildings in all countries.
The public will not really notice those signs until it understands the true background.

The producers of the Hollywood movie ’Matrix‘ also incorporated this symbolism. At the beginning of the film, the leading character Neo receives a mysterious message on his computer: “The Matrix has got you. Follow the white rabbit.” Shortly after this, there is a knock at the door and Neo notices that one of the people arriving has a tattoo of a white rabbit.

The cult surrounding adrenochrome and the symbolism of the white rabbit reaches deep into the US movie and music industries. There are countless photos of well-known personalities presenting themselves in this style. Here are just a few examples.
Note the white background: White writing with Lady Gaga, white curtain with Madonna or Victoria Beckham, white column with Rihanna, white rabbit ears also with Emma Watson, Britney Spears, Ashley Olsen or Katy Perry.
Other stars who represent how they kill people or who, in connection with this symbolism, present themselves with a knife or with an attitude of glorifying violence.
The professing Satanist Marilyn Manson poses with white rabbits. Or the Playboy bunny logo? – Is it just a coincidence?
The artist Alex Podesta dedicates a large part of his art to this symbolism.
He is a member of John Podesta’s family, one of the masterminds behind Pizzagate, the child trafficking network for pedophile circles.
Nike's long-time managing director Mark Parker – here a view into his office – collects and promotes the works of his friend Mark Ryden. Among them are pictures like these.

Adrenochrome and the murder of children behind it is a huge crime that must be penalized and cleared up immediately! Accordingly, the content of this broadcast should also be understood as an appeal to remaining international justice. In the background, behind such atrociously brutal practices the European police authority Europol reports that in 2015 alone 10,000 children disappeared without a trace. This grievance must also be cleared up and stopped!

The same goes for the horrible revelations surrounding the child trafficking network Pizzagate, which has seriously incriminated well-known politicians and personalities in the USA. The scandal surrounding the New York billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who ran a child sex network for the American upper class, also requires proper clarification.
Also the case of the pedophile satanic network in the Dutroux case in Belgium, where, verifiably 27 witnesses died. Also the case of Natascha Kampusch in Austria, where the investigation results of the chief investigator Franz Kroell would have seriously incriminated Austrian politicians. These did not come to light, however, because he was also found dead in his apartment.
In duty to your office, take care above all of all those affected by ritual violence, who were able to escape from it, but who are denied a hearing and an appropriate procedure against their tormentors by all authorities.

Unite yourselves to tackle the matter together and make it your heart issue, like Xavier Naidoo does:
“When I came across it – this terrible truth – it was clear to me that one of the things I will dedicate my life to is this truth.”

from mw
Statement Xavier Naidoo zu Adrenochrom, 2. April 2020

Wikipedia „Adrenochrom“

CIA-Geheimdienstoffizier Robert David Steele

US-Schwergewichtsboxer David Rodriguez

Film „Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas“, 1998

Wikipedia „Alice im Wunderland“

Film „Matrix“, 1999

Symbolik US-amerikanischer Film- und Musikstars

Hillary Clinton

Europol: 10.000 Kinder spurlos verschwunden

Pizzagate und Jeffrey Epstein – Film „Out of Shadows“, 2020

Der Jahrhundertfall Marc Dutroux

Staatsaffäre Natascha Kampusch

Videostatement Xavier Naidoo, 10. April 2020

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