George Soros – The revealed global strategist’s network

1 year ago

Karl Nehammer has been Chancellor of Austria since December 2021. Kla.TV received a photo from viewers showing him meeting Alexander Soros in March 2022. The visitor acts on behalf of his father George Soros and the Open Society Foundations he founded.

Who are the Open Society Foundations?
The OSF are a network of foundations and non-governmental organizations founded by George Soros in 1979. Soros is one of the great global strategists, whose goal is to establish a nation-subjugating New World Order (also called NWO).
The OSF are used by Soros as a tool to finance political activities that serve the implementation of this NWO. Wherever Soros appears, the result is destabilization, chaos, war or political changes for the population in line with his interests. His imprint could be seen in the Euromaidan coup in 2013-2014 in Ukraine as well as in the refugee movement since 2015. However, there are also concrete indications that Soros was involved in all the “color revolutions” – i.e. government overthrows – of the past 15 years. These range from Georgia to Venezuela to the “Arab Spring.” The OSF are active in 120 countries worldwide. His son Alexander Soros is deputy chairman of the OSF.

At the end of 2015, the Russian judiciary declared two of Soros’ nongovernmental organizations troublesome “because they would endanger Russia’s constitutional order and the security of the state.” In Hungary, Soros is considered an enemy of the state for the same reasons. George Soros is also unwanted in Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu considers Soros a danger to the country because of his anti-national destabilization efforts.

While these countries classify George Soros as an enemy of the state and as very dangerous, the Austrian Chancellor opens the doors and lays the red carpet for him. Before the aforementioned meeting in Austria, there were already several appointments with Austrian heads of state. Soros obviously tried to influence Austria. Since Soros is active worldwide – in many cases invisible to the population – his way of influencing can be used as a model to every other country.
Now, dear viewers, have a look at how Soros is pulling the strings, using Austria as an example:

1. Influence on leading politics
Austria politics

Meeting with George Soros or his son Alexander Soros to “discuss” the political situation of Austria has long been customary for Austria’s federal chancellors. In 2018, Sebastian Kurz received George Soros at the Chancellor’s Office and then met him at the Security Conference in Munich.
Just a few days after Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg took office, a meeting took place between him and Alexander Soros at the Chancellor’s Office in November 2021. In the course of the Schallenberg meeting, former Chancellor Kurz also received a visit from Alexander Soros and subsequently wrote on Twitter that it had been “great” to reconnect with his “longtime friend”. His predecessor Christian Kern also met George Soros. In a press conference, Kern said he “personally had a close relationship with Mr. Soros” and had “met him on several occasions.”
Austria’s Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen also received George Soros in the Hofburg in 2017, in his office in 2019 as well as his son in Tyrol in 2021.

EU Politics
Soros is demonstrably trying to influence policy makers throughout the EU. This is shown by a document published in 2016 on the disclosure platform “DCLeaks”. It lists the name and profile of 226 EU parliamentarians who Soros’ Open Society Foundations describe as “Reliable Allies in the European Parliament.” These include Austrian EU-Members of Parliament such as Eugen Freund, Monika Vana and Evelyn Regner, as well as long-standing German Martin Schulz and Elmar Brok. It can be assumed that such a list was not only created in 2016.

[!] The document from 2016 with the “reliable” EU-MEPs can be found below this broadcast.

Soros also meets regularly with EU leaders. In 2019, the Hungarian daily “Magyar Idök” revealed in detail the ongoing and intensive contacts between George Soros and members of the EU Commission. Austrian EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn is among them.

The French lawyer Grégor Puppinck has now uncovered a similar type of influence at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). In the years 2004 to 2012 alone, George Soros and Bill Gates donated a total of two million euros to this. It is not known how much money Soros and Gates have donated to the ECHR since this disclosure, as the Council of Europe set up its own fund for donations in 2015. Therefore, these funds are no longer reported in its financial statements.

2 Influence through media
The media play a central role in the Soros network. They can influence the masses most powerfully while remaining silent about the activities of those in power behind the scenes. That is why George Soros built a gigantic media empire. Among other things, he is the leading financier of “Project Syndicate” and appears there as a writer himself. This is an association of 430 newspapers and magazines from 150 countries with a total circulation of around 70 million copies. In addition to the British daily newspaper “The Guardian” and the French newspaper “Le Monde”, the daily newspapers “Die Presse” and “Der Standard” are registered as official partners in Austria.

This is also the reason why Der Standard, for example, prints articles written by Soros. It is surprising that Soros’ meeting with the Austrian Chancellor doesn’t appear in the mainstream media coverage! When Soros is reported on, he is protected by the mainstream press, being always portrayed as a “humanitarian” and “philanthropist”, just like his ally Bill Gates.

[!] Which media outlets worldwide belong to the Soros network can be found in the link below the broadcast.

3. Influence through education and think tanks

Soros founded private universities in Budapest and Prague in 1991 in order to shape future key people early-on in their education.

However, in the mid-1990s, the Czech government stopped the Soros University’s activities and shut it down. Both the then Czech Prime Minister Václav Klaus and the current Czech President Miloš Zeman argued their rejection of this university on the grounds of uncontrollable outside interference in Czech science.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán also tried to kick the university out of the country in 2017 by changing the education law. As a result, the Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern at the time campaigned intensively for the Soros University to relocate to Austria. Since 2019, Vienna has been the new location of Soros University – called: Central European University – CEU Vienna for short, where students are taught according to Soros’ ideas. The university lists a worldwide network of about 400 partner universities and institutions on its website. These include, for example, the University of Mannheim and ETH Zurich.

[!] An overview of the worldwide network of Soros University can be found in the blue box below the broadcast.

Think tanks are strategic institutions designed to influence politics and the population on a national or global level. One of the most powerful think tanks is the Council on Foreign Relations – in short CFR.

George Soros is not only a member of this elite think tank. He is also one of the founders of its European branch, called the European Council on Foreign Relations, and has been its main financier ever since. Members of ECFR include the Austrians Sebastian Kurz, Hannes Swoboda, and Austrian Federal Minister for the EU and the Constitution Karoline Edtstadler. Members from Germany include Annalena Baerbock and Wolfgang Ischinger, head of the Munich Security Conference.

[!] A detailed list of members for each European country can be found in the link below the broadcast.

There are also think tanks in Austria that serve Soros’ interest. The European Forum Alpbach is an Austrian platform for science, politics, economics and culture. At an annual conference, young leaders between the ages of 30 and 40 are promoted and networked among other things. The Open Society Foundations has been the second largest sponsor of this platform since 2021. Forum Alpbach President Andreas Treichl was even a member of the supervisory board of the European organization of the Open Society Foundations until 2021. In addition, Treichl can also be found in the European Council on Foreign Relations founded by Soros.
Another “strategic institution” is the “Institute for Human Sciences” – IWM Institute for short, based in Vienna. The President of the Institute is Heinz Fischer who was Federal President of Austria until 2016. None other than George Soros himself appears on the Institute’s Board of Sponsors and at the institute events.

Dear viewers – as this program only partially shows, Soros exerts enormous influence on key people and decision-makers, and not only in Austria. His influence and the intentions behind it could however remain hidden from the public for a long time. And much is still hidden. As soon as an investigative journalist uncovers the backgrounds and the connections or a politician warns of Soros and his plans, anti-Semitism allegation is immediately waved. This also happens to anyone who exposes the machinations and plans of his allies, such as, Henry Kissinger, even though they themselves wrote entire books about their views and intentions.

Allegations of anti-Semitism also hit anyone who exposes the true backgrounds and activities of their “tools” such as the World Economic Forum, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Great Reset or the Bilderberg meetings.

Conclusion: the influence of George Soros and his Open Society Foundations in Austria and worldwide must be seen as part of a targeted plan whose ultimate goal, however, is dictatorial world dominion.

While the global strategists of the NWO can be classified as very dangerous, Soros not only gets his own university and admission to the Federal Chancellery in Austria, but he even gets awards to obviously hide his true background and intentions. In 2019, for example, George Soros received the “Schumpeter Prize” at the Austrian National Bank from its long-time governor Ewald Nowotny for Soros’ work in the field of science.

Nowotny and Soros already knew each other from the secret meetings of the Trilateral Commission – another tool to implement the New World Order. That same year, George Soros was also awarded the Golden Decoration of Honor of the State of Vienna by Governor Michael Ludwig. The award was presented to him on the occasion of the relocation of his private university from Budapest to Vienna.

There are many indications that the entire COVID pandemic and the current Russia-Ukraine war are also crises deliberately triggered by this world domination sect. It is therefore imperative for the world community to know who it is dealing with here, because these global strategists have arbitrarily placed themselves at the controls of power.

It is time for the population to become aware of this – with which people top politicians get involved with, which forces are working worldwide to build the new world order and through which bodies they exert influence.

The hidden abuse of power and the secret networks will come to light through research, whistleblowers, observations and broadcasts like this one before the whole world – in all countries worldwide. Through it, politicians will be increasingly urged to stop such influences. This in turn will free the unsuspecting population from the web of these subjugators.

Dear viewers, by spreading our Kla.TV broadcasts on a large scale, such inhuman machinations will become known to the broad public. Thanks for your help.

from mw.
Alexander Soros meets Karl Nehammer

Backgrounds Open Society Foundations
Monthly magazine "alles roger" May 2018 issue, pages 8-12

Russia, Israel and Hungary declare Soros undesirable

Monthly magazine "alles roger" May 2018 issue, pages 8-12

Influence on top politics

Influence on EU policy

Influence through media

Influence on education


Influence through think tanks


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