Azealia Banks LOVES DONALD TRUMP On theFeed!

8 years ago

Azealia Banks is making a last ditch effort (again) to keep her name in the media while a lot of the world was questioning and mourning our country’s future.

Banks who has been a supporter of President Elect Donald Trump sent out a slew of Facebook Posts with one of them attacking Queen Bey herself. Why can’t we all just get along?

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Azealia Banks is making a last ditch effort (again) to keep her name in the media while a lot of the world was questioning and mourning our country’s future.

Banks who has been a supporter of President Elect Donald Trump sent out a slew of Facebook Posts with one of them attacking Queen Bey herself.

But I'm really laughing because jayz and Beyoncé really were up there shucking and bucking for Hillary and she STILL lost.
She had Pharrell old jiminy criket looking ass up there with his sambo hat on going hard in the paint
Bitches was not in formation.Hillary even tried to say she had HOT SAUCE IN HER BAG
She pulled out all of the most typical shit and still lost.Damn slime....

This post is filled with negative comments some not even pertaining to the election but just people being plain disgusting to each other.

Azealia is known to be controversial and has no problem giving her opinion.

Can’t we all just love each other and be happy?

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