The free world must stand together aginst the CCP because it concerns everyone,

1 year ago

7/25/2023 According to the hundreds of documents that have been acquired by Project Veritas, a group of individuals involved in research and development projects in universities and private companies in the UK, the US, and other countries, have been stealing personal information and advanced technology through a variety of CCP’s programs, with the goal of becoming the sole hegemonic power in the world! The free world must stand together because it concerns everyone, not only the US!
#ProjectVeritas #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/25/2023 根据“真相工程”已经斩获的数百份文件,一众就职于英美等国大学和私营企业并参与研发项目的个人通过中共各种各样的项目以盗取个人信息和高尖端技术,目的是让中共成为世界上唯一的霸主!自由世界的国家对此必须团结一致,因为这不仅事关美国,无人可以幸免!
#真相工程 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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