America's capital and AI technology are aiding the CCP in violating human rights

1 year ago

7/26/2023 【House Select Committee on the CCP Hearing】Rep. Krishnamoorthi: Congressman Krishnamoorthi: America's capital and AI technology are aiding the CCP in violating human rights, including the oppression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang, collecting data from Chinese and foreign individuals, and exporting its surveillance model globally. Among the 35 leading companies developing the technologies identified as "chokepoints" by the CCP, 25 are located in the U.S.
#AI #Xinjiang #CCP #humanrightsviolation #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/26/2023 【国会中共问题特设委员会听证会】克里什纳莫提议员:美国的资本和人工智能技术正在帮助中共侵犯人权,包括镇压新疆维吾尔人、收集中国人和外国人的数据以及向全世界输出其监控模式等。在35家开发被中共称之为“卡脖子技术”的领军企业中,就有25家企业位于美国。
#人工智能 #新疆 #中共 #侵犯人权 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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