(July 23rd 1997) Art Bell's interview with Colonel Philip Corso (Roswell UFO crash)

1 year ago

Philip James Corso (May 22, 1915 – July 16, 1998)
Colonel Philip Corso's military intelligence background. Philip Corso says he first saw an ET body in a crate at Fort Riley Kansas in July 1947 as on-duty officer. It was in transit and floating in some liquid. 5 trucks had brought this from an Air Base in New Mexico and they were on its way to WRIGHT PATTERSON AIRFORCE BASE in Ohio. Later on in his career Philip Corso received Alien autopsy reports in his Roswell file. These ET's had no sex organs but were clones built specifically for space travel by some intelligence and their space ship could not fly without them as they were part of the flying saucer like the guidance system. Col Philip Corso had one of Wernher Von Braun's scientists on his team (Hermann Oberth) who believed in space travel and dimensional travel and he also discussed this with Wernher Von Braun. Government is compartmentalized.

With General Trudeau's death and all of the people that Col Philip Corso worked with were now dead so he decided to write about all his experiences in WW2 for his grandchildren and even his Roswell knowledge into a book. Senator Barry Goldwater had ask General Curtis Lemay about seeing some SECRET ROOM at Wright Patterson Airforce base and General Lemay cursed at him and told Barry Goldwater to never ask him about that again. One of the files in Col Philip Corso's filing cabinet was PROJECT RAINBOW which was about ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.

The Day After Roswell Mass Market Paperback
by Philip Corso (Author) June 1, 1998

This interview with Art Bell on COAST TO COAST was just 7 weeks before the FRANTIC CALLER episode on September 11th 1997

September 11th 1997 on Art Bell's C2C show: "The FRANTIC CALLER"- REAL👀 or HOAX? U Decide!

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