Driver Finds The Shortest Way From The Car Wash Onto The Street

8 years ago

No matter how many are uploaded every hour, the world of the Internet will never have enough of these driving fail videos. No matter the circumstances or location, getting to witness something curious like this makes you rethink your own actions and decisions, then throw everything in the air and say “to hell with it, I’m going to live my life"!

The ones that the Internet seems to really love to see are those that happen under really shady circumstances. Maybe the driver mistook the gas pedal for the brake and instead of slowing down, they drive right through a store window, or in this clip’s case, they jump from a platform and into a street!

Who knows what happened to this driver or what made them think they could just cross into the street. At first, it seems like nothing is happening; an SUV is seen exiting the automatic car wash in San Diego and turns left. Maybe a car will come from the opposite direction? But then, a white Toyota SUV comes out, crawls for a while, as if to check for oncoming traffic and instead of turning left, they drive straight ahead.

It seems that driver didn’t notice they were actually on a platform five feet off the ground! So the car dives, nose down, into the street below, crashing a fire hydrant on the way down. At least they got an extra wash for the engine as well.

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