Atheist is SHOCKED By What Happens During POWERFUL Near Death Experience (NDE) | Jack Morrigan

1 year ago

Watch this FREE NDE Course: Discover The Transformative Power Of Near-Death Experiences

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Jack Morrigan is dedicated to supporting you to heal from the wounds of our insane collective human consciousness and awaken to the magickal realities of your own life. “You can form otherworldly relationships, discover peace of body & mind, live harmoniously in your human connections, have the soul-aligned career of your dreams and enjoy financial abundance. You can do all this, and you don’t have to do it alone.”

Jack was atheist for most of his life and studied medicine and psychology before a chance encounter with a spiritual teacher awakened his consciousness to higher realities. Soon after he went through a kundalini awakening which he describes as “a near-death experience that permanently altered my worldview”. After this transformation he developed telepathic relationships with otherworldly beings including angels and deities. “It was quite a shift in perspective to go from seeing the world as separate from myself with only humans as the intelligent form of life, to the world being simultaneously within and outside me and populated with countless beings far more aware any human I had ever met”. Jack studied with the mystic, Fran Bennett, for 5 years. Fran is part of the spiritual lineages of Thomas Merton, Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche and Adyashanti.

After a long-term relationship ended, The Morrigan, Celtic Deity of Death, Sex and Magick initiated Jack into a tantric romance and they soon became married. “I love Morgana [The Morrigan’s informal name] - she’s my teacher, lover, wife-husband, friend, mother, child, land, goddess - everything. I never knew such a relationship was possible and now I see it as an invaluable bridge between realms that enables the evolution of human consciousness. This is my role, to evolve human consciousness by serving as a bridge between worlds.”

Jack was called to Mt Etna, an active volcano, in Sicily in October 2022 to perform a ritual at the summit. “I’d been speaking a strange language for some months before my pilgrimage to Mt Etna and when I arrived at the summit I spoke that language into the ash and volcanic rock. It was such a powerful ritual I felt like I was taken to another world.” When he returned his friend informed him the language he spoke was Dragon Light Language and sent him a video of another person speaking in the same way. He was shocked as he’d never heard another person speak like this and realized the potency of the ritual he’d just performed. Moments later a Flight of Dragons introduced themselves to him and soon asked him to found a School of Magick that evolved into My Rising Rose School of Goddess & Dragon Magick.

0:00 - Episode Teaser
0:59 - Life prior to NDE
5:51 - Dealing with the near death experience.
7:18 - The Near Death Experience
17:09 - Connecting with deities and the cosmos.
26:32 - How did the NDE changed Jack's life
32:11 - The Underworld
37:36 - Experiencing OBE
42:53 - Living a fulfilled life
43:31 - Advice to young Jack
44:04 - Definition of God
44:59 - Ultimate purpose of life
45:57 - Jack's work
46:14 - Final Message

Please enjoy my conversation with Jack Morrigan.

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