23.07.27 | Thurs. 7:30pm | Rev. Kenneth W. Hagin | Kenneth Hagin Ministries' Campmeeting

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THANK YOU for joining us THIS WEEK for Kenneth Hagin Ministries’ 51st Annual Campmeeting, July 23-28. Service times for the remainder of the week are: Thursday - Friday at 10am, 2:30pm, and 7:30pm. God has something just for you, but you have to be here to receive! Invite family and friends to watch by sharing the invite link.
ALSO, during the 7:30pm services we will have giveaways! So arrive at least 5 minutes before service so that you can enter to win.
Thank you and may you receive an extra special blessing this week!

By the way, do you know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?
Honestly, we've got to tell you, that's the best decision you will ever make.
So, if you don't have a relationship with Him please accept His love today by
clicking here: I Want to Make Jesus Lord of My Life Right Now
OR Call us at 918-258-1588 ext. 5566 between the hours of 8:30am & 4:30pm.
He will change your life forever! God bless you.

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(CCLI # 462290 | Stream License # CSPL062843)

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