Ashkenazi Jews Of Khazaria - A History By Gaylon Ross Freeman

1 year ago

It is clear from historical documents, that Gog and Magog of the Bible, refer to the ancient kingdom of the Khazars.

(For literature on this see; )

This is attested to by the Khazar king (Kagan) himself;

"Isaac Akrish in Constantinople. A copy of the extensive edition, found in the collection of manuscripts of S. Firkovich in the Crimea in 1874, was first published by the orientalist A. Garkavy. In 1932 both editions of Joseph's letter, hasdai's letter and other documents accompanying this correspondence were collected By p. K. Kokovtsev and published in Hebrew with Russian translations and extensive comments.
The letter begins with mandatory polite greetings, a list of questions asked by Hasdai, and verbose kind promises to answer them.
Kagan opens the narrative of the ethnic definition of their people. He States that his people come from the family of Togarma, the son of Japheth (in Hebrew literature Togarma (Togar) was called all Turkic peoples). Have a So according to the information Joseph had 10 sons: Agyar (Avior, or Our), Tyr-C (Turis), Avar (AVAZ), Pin (Ugus), BIZ-l, T-R, the Khazars, Snor (Yanur), B-l-d-d (B-l-g-R), Savir 3). Joseph proudly calls himself in the first line of the letter "king of Togarm", emphasizing the power of his power, which extends not only to the Khazars, but also to all other Turkic peoples."

The Khazars converted to Judaism (more accurately Kabbalistic Talmudism), and have since invaded the land of Palestine, calling it "Israel."

Thus, Gog and Magog are 'dwelling comfortable along the coasts', as prophesied in the Bible, and are 'covering the land like a cloud'. Remember, from a biblical perspective, the Khazars are gentiles - i.e., they are unrelated to Hebrews or any actual tribe of Biblical Israel. The land of Israel is today being trodden by gentiles, Gog and Magog.

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