Fostering Untethered Communication & Knowledge. Sunday Sermon February 26, 2023, SOC

1 year ago

Another morning ramble...
Am I stuck in a rut; beating my head against a brick wall?
Or, taking a finer chisel to the same piece of granite.

Examining the greater context through the lens of my experience...
Treading through a minefield... in the name of unconditional love...
I just tell the tale.
I don't say I like it.

Unless otherwise identified, All video, images, sounds and thoughts are my own captures and manifestations of CREATION.
Intro/Outro from my song "Remember When" (1985)
Plus a sneak peek at my parody in progress "Propaganda".

Recorded and produced on a Note 9 using PowerDirector.

Many thanks to all who have helped to make this possible, including:
Workman Arts
Michelle Savage
and all of my supporters

If you would like to help support my work:

Check out my channel
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Started up on Rumble too:

Check out my RedBubble shop

And, my Picfair page

Or, you can "Buy Me A Breath" at

Interested in more?

Follow me on Instagram @bystresscookie
and, on Twitter @stresscookie

Find links to all I do; upcoming events; and, more on my self-constructed website-in-progress

Thank you for your audience. ❤🙏

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