Clayming Love Opening Reception Dec. 3, 2019

5 years ago

Presenting my first work with clay, "As A Tree",
and myself as a Multidisciplinary Cathartist, at the Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art.
The Clayming Love exhibition runs from Dec 4-10, 2019.
I am so grateful for the experience of allowing creation to move through my hands and fashion its inspiration in clay. For being a tool of the universe. And, for the gentle, loving guidance of our facilitators that allowed me to have faith in the value of what I have to share.
I am also grateful to be able to share it all with you, here.
Thank you for your audience!
See the links below for some of the other things I do... am working toward building routines of doing as I continue to shed the layers of the office, the employment model, a lifetime of skewed self-perception, etc. and finally slip into my own skin.
If you would like to help support me as I emerge, monetary expressions of value and appreciation are welcome through:

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