'Bill Gates "Vaccinate to Depopulate" - His Logic Explained - 2010

1 year ago

Uploaded on Mar 2, 2010

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Bill Gates recently went on record at a TED conference declaring that his foundation's vaccine programs' goals were to reduce the poulation. This has led a lot of people to jump to the conclusion that he was saying his vaccines affect fertility. However, if you look at previous interviews on teh subject, you will see that it's not tat simple and that there is a lot of twisted logic involved. Bottom line: Gates is an admitted depopulationist. Would you trust his intentions when it comes to people's health?
Prison Planet article on Gates, vaccines and depopulation with TED video embedded
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent!" [About 1 Billion People!]- Bill Gates

Transcript of 2008 CNN interview with Gates where he explains how vaccine slower birth rate by lowering child mortality rate.

GAVI alliance- pushing vaccines for 3rd world countries. Major contributor: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Bill and Melinda Gates foundation: emphasis on vaccines
We invest heavily in vaccines across our portfolio in the hope that one day they can be used to prevent HIV, malaria and TB; wipe out polio; and help save children from dying of diarrhea and pneumonia.

Infant mortality by country:
Breast feeding prevents disease. Info on infant mortality
More on infant mortality
Mali stats on water, vaccines, etc
effect of fertility reduction on infant and child mortality: Evidence form Matlab, Bangladesh
GAVI on Rotavirus Vaccine: 60% efficacy (that is not equivalent to effectiveness. No stats on whether it has actually lowered death rate or hospitalizations, of course)
UNFPA calls for increased abortion to decrease child mortality, increase education:

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