
1 year ago

If i were evil. I would vax the world cause immune disfunction then hit everyone with a BSL-3 fungal bioweapons say from the Ukraine labs that were doing gain of function on aspergillus fugementus.

Introduce it into foods, grains, rice.

Estimated death toll 4 billion ppl.

Blame it on climate change.

Have i not been right on everything for 3 years ? I have predicted everything with 100% accuracy.

So if i were evil. I would create a pandemic with a simple virus. Create panic over a simple pathogens with a 99% survival rate.

Then force a vaccine which cauaes immune disfunction and ADE.

Upon the release of the second bioweapon aka pandemic most ppl will be like " this is bullshit and just like covid for control".

Get ppls gaurd down to inflict maximum mortality.

Note all public hospitals labs and doctors in Canada cannot diagnose fungal pathogens. My lab work went to Washington DC. So Canada you're all dead.

This is level 100 pain as the fungus eats your body brain nerves spine. What the vets said happen to my dogs who died from it. Seen it first hand. Lived it.

I am not a prophet

I am a survivor.

Everything else in media is a distraction. Think pneumonia plus kidney failure plus osteoporosis plus autoimmune plus anemia plus rheumatoid arthritis plus divticulosis plus skin infections plus sepsis and nerve damage with migraines.

That is a good day.

Hoep u stockpiked pain meds bc they wont give u shit. They will let u suffer and beg for assist suicide.

You heard it here first

I told u so is what i do and ppl hate me for it.

Remember this

Dont worry assisted suicide is ready to save you.

This will be blamed on climate change fungus in crops .

See how the stage is being set.

Hope u all wake up.

I am not wrong i can bet my life on it.

Covid vaccine was a primer. As fungal pathogens mostly kill ppl with damaged immune systems. They effect all people but most healthy ppl can live a long time with a fungal infection.

Derangement of immune system + fungal infections = death within 6 months . Always misdiagnosed almost impossible to treat even when caught early.

Mortality rate up to 98%

How many ppl got vaxxed.

So i am thinking the WEF depopulation plan is gonna win. Everyone is distracted right now with Ukraine war, economy, hyperinflation, corrupt politicians, adverse events covid, homeless, poverty, J6, trump, ect.

This is so perfect i am gonna have to say

Bravo and you're a fucking genius to the planners of this whole event. Phone data was great to help plan and map the psychology of ppl to target this whole agenda.

Its actually very well thought out

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