Empire of Brazil Showcase

1 year ago

BRAAAZIIIILLLL!!!! Showcasing the Empire of Brazil! The great army led by the Iron Duke himself, the Duke of Caxias!

Cavaleiro da Guarda
Armed with the state-of-the-art Spencer Repeating Carbine, the Cavaleiros da Guarda were the only cavalry force among the Triple Alliance that could equal the famed Paraguayan lancers.

Zuavo Baiano
Blacks comprised a significant portion of the Brazilian army during the Paraguayan War. They formed a notable black-only regiment called Zuavo Baiano. The Zuavo Baiano acted as scouts and vanguards, taking on the dangerous task of engaging the enemy.

Well-equipped and well-trained, the Brazilian Fuzileiros were the finest soldiers of South America. They were the core professionals of the Brazilian army. Their systematic and unstoppable aggression through lead, cannonballs, and lances were key to Brazilian victory.

Soldiers performing the many auxiliary duties of the Brazilian military were called to the battlefield to form the second line as the Caçadores. They supported the Fuzileiros by acting as the much-needed reserves to act against the unconventional Paraguayan battle tactics

Voluntário da Pátria
Tens of thousands of Brazilian patriots answered the call of war. So many flocked to the cause that they even matched the number of their standing army. From logistics, artillery to fighting in the field, the Voluntário da Pátria were a core part of the army.

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