Federal judge rejects "unprecedented" plea agreement for Hunter Biden-SheinSez 242

Streamed on:

Hunter Biden Pleads Not Guilty After Plea Deal Falls Apart - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/07/26/hunter-biden-pleads-not-guilty-after-plea-deal-falls-apart/

Biden Team Rejected Plea Deal After It Didn't Include FARA Immunity - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/07/26/hunter-biden-team-rejected-plea-deal-after-prosecutors-said-it-didnt-include-fara-immunity/

Judge Sets 'Conditions of Release' For Hunter Biden - Orders Him to Get a Job, Submit to Drug Testing - READ THE FULL LIST HERE | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/judge-sets-conditions-release-hunter-biden-orders-him/

A Courtroom Perspective: GOP Hero Julianne Murray Weighs in On the Hunter Biden Court Fiasco from Inside the Delaware Courtroom (AUDIO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/courtroom-perspective-gop-hero-julianne-murray-weighs-hunter/

Mike Sperrazza on Twitter: "I thought Hunter was just a private citizen… https://t.co/Xe6KNkD5px" / Twitter - https://twitter.com/MikeASperrazza/status/1684204580295389186

Shipwreckedcrew on Twitter: "The outcome of the Biden plea hearing is a cover story. There is NO WAY that the two sides didn't discuss before today whether this was a "Global Plea" or not. The idea that Hunter's team only learned today that other charges are still possible is idiotic. One of two things…" / Twitter - https://twitter.com/shipwreckedcrew/status/1684242926044614656

Karine Jean-Pierre Can't Say How a Buyer of Hunter Biden's Garbage Artwork Coincidentally Received Prestigious Commission Appointment by Joe Biden (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/karine-jean-pierre-cant-say-how-buyer-hunter/

Sol Wisenberg on Twitter: "Again from NYT's Glenn Thrush reporting from the courtroom: "From the start, the judge seemed highly skeptical of the unusual deal — which offered Hunter Biden broad immunity from prosecution in perpetuity, questioning why it had been filed under a provision that gave her no…" / Twitter - https://twitter.com/WisenbergSol/status/1684244791725371398

Biden claims to have ‘ended cancer’ — RT World News - https://www.rt.com/news/580298-biden-claims-cancer-cure/

Family shouldered burden to transport body of Marine killed in Afghanistan, GOP Rep says | Fox News - https://www.foxnews.com/us/family-shouldered-burden-transport-marine-killed-afghanistan-gop-rep

Kevin Spacey acquitted of all nine sexual offense charges in London trial - https://nypost.com/2023/07/26/kevin-spacey-acquitted-of-all-nine-sexual-offence-charges-in-london-trial/

Putin Bans Gender Changes As Kennedy Fires Biden Kill Shot - https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index4331.htm

How to use Filter Mode as a fallback for problematic websites – Dark Reader blog - https://darkreader.org/blog/filter-mode/

Bowe Bergdahl's Sentence Is Thrown Out by Judge as Case Takes New Turn | Military.com - https://www.military.com/daily-news/2023/07/25/bowe-bergdahls-sentence-thrown-out-judge-case-takes-new-turn.html

Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "🚨 Moments ago, Hunter Biden’s attorneys faced sanctions for lying to clerk in his criminal case #ClownShow https://t.co/7MyjLSKpRB" / Twitter - https://twitter.com/KarliBonnita/status/1683987971878289408

Kevin McCarthy Airs "Sound of Freedom" on the Evils of Child Sex Trafficking on Capitol Hill - Several Republicans Attend Event | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/kevin-mccarthy-airs-sound-freedom-child-sex-trafficking/

"January 6 Was a Trap - It Was a Set-Up" - J6 Political Prisoner Donald Hazard Speaks Out After He Is Sentenced to Nearly 5 Years in Prison | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/january-6-was-traip-it-was-set-up/

Robert Kennedy Schools Sean Hannity on US Interference in Ukraine and the War with Russia - FOX Audience Agrees (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/robert-kennedy-schools-sean-hannity-us-interference-ukrainian/

House Committee Demands Answer from DOJ on Potential Failure to Protect Victims of Hunter Biden's Sexual Exploitation | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/house-committee-demands-doj-information-potential-failure-protect/

FastStats - Leading Causes of Death - https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm

Ron Paul on Establishment Fearmongering Over COVID and Climate Change: 'They're Exactly the Same Thing!' (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/ron-paul-establishment-fearmongering-covid-climate-change-theyre/

How Welcoming Ukraine Into NATO Could Lead To World War III - https://thefederalist.com/2023/07/25/how-promising-nato-membership-to-ukraine-could-lead-to-world-war-iii/

America ‘wants’ the war with Russia: RFK, Jr. - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtOJfVyne9w

SELF-AWARENESS FAIL: MSNBC Host Angry About FOX News Asks What Would Happen if Democrats Had a Propaganda Arm in the Media | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/self-awareness-fail-msnbc-host-angry-about-fox/

Horrifying Poll Shows a Growing Number of Americans - Mostly Democrats - No Longer Support First Amendment Protections for Free Speech | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/horrifying-poll-shows-growing-number-americans-mostly-democrats/

Second City Cop: Well This Was Unexpected - http://secondcitycop.blogspot.com/2023/07/well-this-was-unexpected.html

Second City Cop: Nice Vaccine Dick - http://secondcitycop.blogspot.com/2023/07/nice-vaccine-dick.html

Ramaswamy Unveils Plans to Eradicate FBI, Department of Education, Nuclear Regulatory Commission - https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/ramaswamy-unveils-plans-to-eradicate-fbi-department-of-education-nuclear-regulatory-commission-5414520?utm_source=epochHG&utm_campaign=CFP&src_src=epochHG&src_cmp=CFP

Rudy W. Giuliani on Twitter: "🚨CORRECTING THE RECORD🚨 The Fake News says I admitted to lying in an overnight court filing. I didn't. We are simply moving to a point in the case where we can file a motion to dismiss. If you see a headline claiming I made an admission, just know it is #FakeNews. https://t.co/IwsPexg2aW" / Twitter - https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/status/1684307957419241474

Race to salvage sinking cargo ship carrying 3,000 vehicles including 350 Mercedes as it burns out of control in North Sea after fire 'caused by electric car' | Daily Mail Online - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12338705/One-sailor-dead-23-evacuated-burning-18-500-tonne-cargo-ship-carrying-3-000-cars-North-Sea-Holland-electric-vehicle-caught-fire.html

Schumer’s $2.4 Trillion Tax Increase - WSJ - https://www.wsj.com/articles/chuck-schumer-ferc-green-energy-red-states-reliable-transmission-458c0337?mod=djemalertNEWS

A New $2 Billion Theme Park Is Opening in the U.S. — but It's Not in Florida or California | PEOPLE - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uuz07wTGF0

Lawsuit: Cigna Healthcare Misused AI to Deny Legitimate Insurance Claims - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2023/07/26/lawsuit-cigna-healthcare-misused-ai-to-deny-legitimate-insurance-claims/

John Kennedy on Twitter: "Tulane professor on climate change: Rules for thee, but not for me. https://t.co/fV5cvfT0Qm" / Twitter - https://twitter.com/SenJohnKennedy/status/1684253218514010124

NYTimes Celebrates Biden's Cheap Migrant Labor in Elite's Hotels - https://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2023/07/26/nytimes-celebrates-cheap-migrant-labor-in-elites-hotels/

GOP Reps Slam 'Charade and Circus' by Mayorkas - https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2023/07/26/gop-reps-slam-charade-and-circus-by-mayorkas/

Wisconsin Parent Files Lawsuit Against District For Refusing to Provide Copy of Transgender Middle School Teacher's Speech to Students | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/wisconsin-parent-files-lawsuit-against-district-refusing-provide/

Poll: Millennials Say ‘Misgendering’ Should Be a Crime, Gen Z Disagrees - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/07/26/poll-millennials-say-misgendering-should-be-a-crime-gen-z-disagrees/

Anheuser-Busch Lays Off Hundreds of Workers amid Bud Light Boycott  - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/07/26/anheuser-busch-laysoff-hundreds-workers-bud-light-boycott/

Mulvaney Charging $40k in Speaking Fees on 'Female Empowerment' - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/07/26/dylan-mulvaney-charging-40k-speaking-fees-female-empowerment/

Room-temperature superconductor 'breakthrough' met with scepticism | New Scientist - https://archive.is/kIX9s

Shocking Video: Mitch McConnell Stops Speaking, Freezes, During Senate Press Conference... Pulled Away From Podium | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/shocking-video-mitch-mcconnell-stops-speaking-freezes-during/

(5) Try That In National Review - Don Surber - https://donsurber.substack.com/p/nr-frets-because-libs-are-upset-again

Burlington store in Sacramento is raided by trio of female shoplifters who make VERY slow getaway pushing shopping carts filled with stolen booty | Daily Mail Online - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12336989/Burlington-store-Sacramento-raided-trio-female-shoplifters-make-slow-getaway-pushing-shopping-carts-loads-stolen-booty.html?ico=embedded


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