Declassified Spanish Navy files reveals - Swedish / Nordic looking" white talls

1 year ago

Declassified Spanish Navy files reveals in 1976, several people living on the Canary Islands encountered a UFO with 10-foot (304.8 cm) tall beings they say were "Swedish/Nordic" looking and wore diving gear. The sightings were corroborated by three military officials and ruled “unexplained.” (Source)
Canary Islands, 1976. Three sailors witnessed a translucent, spherical craft rise up out of the island of Tenerife before departing in a cloud of blue smoke. Three minutes later, 60 miles away on the island of Gran Canaria, 10 different citizens saw the same translucent craft described as "blue" with a "crystalline" structure — three of them, one of whom was in a different location as the other two, told military officials they saw two 10-foot tall beings inside, described as "Swedish/Nordic looking" with diving gear on. The military investigated the entire phenomenon and ruled it "unexplained."
Avistamiento de fenómenos extraños en aguas de Baleares: 06 de Febrero de 1979, España. Mando Operativo

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