"You Don't See Through Me" [shadow swoon hiss the dead man extra] (10/2010) Lome Marsupial

1 year ago

"Shadow Swoon:Hiss The Dead Man" video b-side and extra
Finding the original files then uploading them, but the songs are online presently (not streaming service but mp3) at

n.e. way this is a vid from 10/2010

proceed to mash the keyboard:

9yub8up985wpw3p59ge oit5wse ;we utw099 u4 095

okay then.
5:06 AM here just editing thru lots of things, and as per the upload before this found some ok quality findings of this an that. Standard tuning days and a Walden guitar. even came with a padded "gig bag!"

2 CD album thing then called Shadow Swoon Hiss the Dead Man, kind of atmsopherey ambrisiac attenuation to tetanussy towns.
"Was called You dont see through me or Dirty Ugly Stares"

support on patreon, break the ice there or make me look maddened still posting b-sides and all kindsa things
regular ol home page web site, added a new photo gallery recently

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