Article Video - Replies About Banks - Sunday, July 23, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Replies About Banks - Sunday, July 23, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Judging from some of the questions I am getting, this whole subject of international banking is confusing, and that has to change. You have actually been participating in international banking your entire lives--- it's just something that most people haven't thought about. So think about it now.

Here's a series of numbered items I am having to address in question answer format.

1. I just got clarity on the ITB. No one person gets personal trade bank accounts. So this has nothing to do with me on this level.
Wrong. Everyone gets lawful Master Accounts in the International Trade Bank System. It will be a bilateral Master Account that allows you to trade or to engage in commerce when needed through the sister Commercial Bank System.

2. When will the American State National Blue Dot Credit Union be established?
Technically, our American States and Nations Bank was founded in 2016, but that isn't really the issue. We are all engaged in a process of deliberate development and a step-by-step process. First, everyone gets a Master Account in the Bilateral Bank System, from there the accounts migrate to/through member banks at the country, state and local levels.

There won't be a "credit union" as currently defined in the new system, as all our credit is prepaid credit. There is no need in the new system for us to pitch our pennies together and loan each other credit at interest.

3. When will the American Federation $ be worth 10x more than FRN?
Exchange rates unless "fixed" by statute or treaty, etc., are driven by market forces and go up and down each day. The fixed rate we are owed is similarly dependent on the inflation rate index since 1913.

4. Will there actually be a "public debt" and "Private Prosperity" card?
There will be one Master Account Card with up to 25 separate sub-accounts entered on it. The card comes pre-loaded with your Master Account already set up with an account for Public transactions (everything that comes to YOUR NAME) and a sub-account for Private transactions (everything else). You can use the extra 23 accounts for additional bank accounts, conventional credit cards, bill payments, etc.

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